Who Is Children of the Underground’s Faye Yager? New Documentaries on FX Expose Child Sexual Abuse

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Who Is Children of the Underground’s Faye Yager? New Documentaries on FX Expose Child Sexual Abuse
Faye Yager, a mother, has devoted her life to developing a clandestine community of women who are fighting to protect their children from the horrible crimes of sexual assault.
She was powerless to stop her young daughter’s father from abusing her sexually. But Faye’s work catapulted child molestation into the national spotlight and allegedly helped prevent many girls from harm.
Children of the Underground, a documentary, examines the difficulties and issues faced by American women who advocate for children’s rights. When The Children of the Underground comes on August 12, it will show exactly what happened to the mothers who had no other choice but to flee for their loved ones’ safety.

Children of The Underground

Who Is Children of the Underground’s Faye Yager?
44-year-old Faye Yager was the driving force behind a clandestine network that shielded thousands of abused children from the court system, which frequently returned them to their abusers. The court’s decision to send her daughter back to her violent father reportedly inspired Faye to start such an underground society.
When the court chose not to take the children’s custody away from the abusive father, Faye established a network of safe houses for moms and children. In order to prevent what happened to her and her daughter happening to anybody else, she gave the network the name Children of Underground.
To aid moms and their children in escaping the men who were harming them, Faye started an underground railroad. According to the documentary, Yager advocated for non-custodial parents to abduct their children in order to save them and assist families in dissolving in order to establish new identities.
Today, where is Faye Yager?
Yager was accused of emotional abuse and kidnapping the kids she was supposed to help, and she was being tried in a suburb of Marietta, Georgia. She resides somewhere, although that is unknown at this time.
Mrs. Yager, a West Virginia coal miner’s daughter, is now wed to an Atlanta physician. Although neither party anticipates that the maximum term would be applied if she were found guilty, she is currently being tried and could get a sentence of up to 60 years in jail.
In the documentary Children of Underground, Yager is portrayed as a crusader, and her organization is seen as the result of a criminal justice system that failed children in these cases because sexual abuse allegations were brought before family court, which was not equipped to deal with such serious criminal charges.
The husband and daughter of Faye Yager
Faye was raised in a small West Virginian town, wed Roger Jones when she was 17, and gave birth to a daughter named Michelle. According to Faye, her ex-husband assaulted Michelle, and after she accused him of it, she was put on trial and ultimately lost custody of her daughter.
Currently married to Atlanta-based physician Howard Yager, Faye resides with him. However, her residence is not made clear in any public records. However, given that her trial is taking place in a Georgian court, we can presume that she is from Georgia in some way.
After breaking up with Roger, Faye wed Durham as her second husband. Later, she made the decision to divorce Durham because his past had always been used against her.
Sources claim that Faye’s daughter resides in Atlanta, where she frequents auto body shops and socializes with construction and mechanical employees.

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