Who is Enas Taleb? Iraqi actress set to sue The Economist for using her picture in article on obesity

Who is Enas Taleb? Iraqi actress set to sue The Economist for using her picture in article on obesity
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The Iraqi actress Enas Taleb is going to sue The Economist for using her picture in one of their articles. They wrote an article about how fat Arab women are on July 28.



The article went into detail about how the women in question find it hard to lose weight because they are always stuck at home and because poverty has a wide-ranging effect on their lives.


The picture of Taleb was taken at the Babylon International Festival in 2021. The article was called “Why women are fatter than men in the Arab world.” Later, Taleb told Rasha Al Aqeedi of New/Lines Magazine:


“Because of their cover story, I’ve decided to sue The Economist. I want money to make up for the emotional, mental, and social harm this has done to me. My legal team and I are making plans for what to do next.”


The article and the picture it used are still online, and The Economist hasn’t said anything about what happened.

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What does Enas Taleb say about The Economist using a picture of hers?

The BBC says that Enas Taleb said that The Economist used her picture without any explanation. She also said that the magazine didn’t ask her permission to use the picture, which was a breach of her privacy. The 42-year-old actress said that the picture had also been changed. But it’s not clear why the actress said the picture was changed digitally.


“People have loved me for a long time. It was disappointing to see that an international news outlet wrote about me as if all of my achievements didn’t matter. All that matters to me is that I am healthy and happy with how I look.”


But Enas Taleb might not have a lot of reasons to sue The Economist, since the picture came from Getty Images, which doesn’t charge for use. Also, the person who took the picture owns the rights to it, according to the basics of the Copyright Rules for photos.

In this case, Karar Essa took the picture of Taleb, so he would own the copyright. But the photo’s credit tag on Getty Images also listed the Turkish News Agency Anadolu, which could also own the photo’s rights.

BBC says that Enas Taleb will ask for “compensation for the emotional, mental, and social damage this incident has caused” her. Even though she might not have much of a case to get paid for using the picture, Taleb could sue for defamation. If the actress can prove that the picture hurt her reputation, Taleb could win.

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About Enas Taleb, what is known?

She was born in Basra, Iraq, and started her career when she was 16. At 16, she played Flora in 13 episodes of an Iraqi show called The Shadow Men. From 2000 to 2004, the actress played Suad in 42 episodes of the show Manawi Al Basha. Taleb is also known for her role in the 1997 TV show Lew Kunt Al Qadi.

Enas Taleb has over nine million followers on Instagram, and her bio says she has a Bachelor’s degree in journalism and media, probably from the University of Petra Amman. She also works as a “drama consultant” right now.


, which came out in 2017, was one of her last movies (Mako like him). On the other hand, her last TV project was 2021’s (Escape). She is said to live in Baghdad now.