Iran targets Americans  from John Bolton to Salman Rushdie

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Iran targets Americans from John Bolton to Salman Rushdie Following the US drone strike that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani two years ago, Bolton, Pompeo, and Trump received death threats from Tehran. CHAUTAUQUA, NEW YORK: After a 24-year-old man from New Jersey named Hadi Matar stabbed the controversial author up to 15 times on stage at an event in New York on Friday, August 12, the incident is currently in under investigation. Although the purpose of the attack is still unknown, Iran’s ongoing machinations against the US will undoubtedly be under the limelight. Iran has been threatening Salman Rushdie’s life for years. The Satanic Verses, one of his novels published in 1988, was considered offensive by many Muslims around the world. Later, the author was banned in several Islamic countries, and then Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa against him. The Daily Mail says there have been more plots against the US recently as John Bolton, a former national security adviser, appears to have been the subject of an assassination attempt. Mike Pompeo, a former secretary of state, has also reportedly been targeted by Tehran. The two, along with Donald Trump, have already received death threats from Tehran following the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani by a US drone strike two years ago. Stephen King, JK Rowling, and others have denounced the “AMAZING” attack on Salman Rushdie’s John Bolton assassination scheme. The Daily Mail claims that a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps plotted to assassinate John Bolton (IRGC). According to the prosecution, Shahram Poursafi offered $300K for contract killings to unnamed “criminal entities” within the United States. The killing of the US’s top Guards commander Soleimani in Iraq in January 2020 is said to be the reason behind this. Bolton said the alleged scheme exposed Iran’s foreign policy strategy in an interview with CNN. “I think it’s very clear that Iran is going after more than just former government officials,” the author continued, “so it’s important to understand how detailed the work is to send me more, and really to what extent. “The Iranian government is thinking about it and is engaged in planning.” However, Iran has denied every allegation against Poursafi. According to Nasser Kanani, a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry, “The US Justice Department made claims without providing credible evidence, creating a fresh work of fiction.” The Islamic Republic advises against any action that attacks Iranian nationals by making absurd accusations, he continued, concluding, “This time they made a strategy involving people like Bolton whose political career has collapsed.” John Bolton, the national security adviser, was present at the Oval Office meeting where US President Donald Trump signed HR 390, the On December 11, 2018, in Washington, DC, National Security Adviser John Bolton attended in a meeting in the Oval Office where US President Donald Trump signed HR 390, the “Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018”. (Photo: Mark Wilson via Getty Images) Mike Pompeo is a target According to The Daily Mail, the Justice Department claimed Poursafi was allegedly preparing to pay $1 million for a second job. According to Morgan Ortagus, who previously worked as a State Department spokesman, Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of state, appears to be the second target. After the US drone strike that killed Soleimani, the National Counter Terrorism Center agreed that Pompeo was one of the “priority targets” in June. According to reports, an intelligence report provided by Yahoo! The news was widely circulated within the government and law enforcement organizations across the country. According to the article, General Kenneth McKenzie, the former CENTCOM commander, former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, and former President Donald Trump are among the “top targets for retaliation.” Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, tweeted an animated film in January that appeared to depict a robot ordering a drone attack on President Trump while he was playing golf in Mar -a-Lago in Florida. The video, titled “Revenge is Inevitable,” was created as part of a contest to commemorate Soleimani’s passing two years ago. Later, an Iranian spy named Khalid Mehdiyev was charged with making threats against Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-American journalist and rights advocate. He reportedly armed himself with an AK-47 and followed the journalist’s home in Brooklyn. Alinejad has, on several occasions, criticized Iran’s head covering laws for women.

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