From John Bolton to Salman Rushdie, Iran’s unrestricted attacks on Americans and their leaders

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THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE UNITED STATES: From John Bolton to Salman Rushdie, Iran’s unrestrained attacks on Americans and their leaders CHAUTAUQUA, NEW YORK: A 24-year-old man from New Jersey named Hadi Matar allegedly ‘s stabbed controversial author Salman Rushdie up to 15 times while he was speaking at an event in New York on Friday, August 12. An investigation is currently underway into the attack, which took place during the event. Although the reason for the strike is still unknown, it has undeniably drawn attention to Iran’s ongoing plot against the United States. Since the 1980s, Salman Rushdie has been under constant threat of execution from Iran. Many Muslims around the world consider his novel “The Satanic Verses,” published in 1988, to be blasphemous. After some time, the author’s works were declared illegal in some Islamic countries, and Ayatollah Khomeini also issued a fatwa against him. According to the Daily Mail, there appears to have been an increase in the number of plots against the United States. Recently, former National Security Advisor John Bolton was said to be the intended target of an assassination attempt. According to reports, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is another target of Iranian harassment. After an American drone strike two years ago killed an Iranian general named Qassem Soleimani, the two men, along with Donald Trump, received previous death threats from Tehran. READ MORE Author’s veins Salman Rushdie’s arms are amputated, he may lose an eye, and he is on a ventilator after suffering liver damage in the attack. A number of authors, including JK Rowling and Stephen King, have spoken out against the “HORRIFIC” attack on Salman Rushdie. On October 12, 2017, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, author Salman Rushdie is seen sitting on the Blue Sofa at the Frankfurt Book Fair (also known as The insidious plot to topple John Bolton A member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Iran’s Corps allegedly hatched a plot to kill John Bolton, as reported by the Daily Mail (IRGC). Prosecutors revealed that Shahram Poursafi offered $300,000 to unnamed “criminal entities” inside the United States to carry out the contract killing. appears to be an act of revenge against the United States for the killing of the top commander of the Guards Soleimani in Iraq in January of 2020. According to comments Bolton made in a interview with CNN, the alleged conspiracy shed light on Iran’s attitude to international affairs “The important thing to understand is how serious the task is to send me into space,” he said a, and added, “I think it is clear that Iran is going after more than the former g overnment people.” On the other hand, Iran refuted all the claims made against Poursafi. According to Nasser Kanani, a spokesman for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United States Department of Justice “made claims without providing legitimate proof, creating a fresh work of fiction.” He went on to say, “This time they have developed a plot involving individuals like Bolton whose political career has failed,” and then he concluded by saying, “The Islamic Republic warns against any action that threatening Iranian civilians by using false claims. .” John Bolton, the National Security Adviser of the United States, was present in the Oval Office when House Resolution 390, commonly known as the American Health Care Act, was signed. There was a focus on Mike Pompeo. The Justice Department reportedly announced that Poursafi was plans to pay a million dollars for the second job, The Daily Mail reported. According to Morgan Ortagus, who previously worked as a spokesperson for the State Department, the second target was reportedly former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo . After an American drone strike that killed Soleimani, the National Counter Terrorism Center in June reached the conclusion that Pompeo was one of the “priority targets.” An intelligence report shared by Yahoo! said the news was widespread which has been circulated within the government and to law enforcement organizations throughout the country. According to the article, some of the “priority targets for the revenge” are former President Donald Trump, former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, and former CENTCOM Commander General Kenneth McKenzie. In January, Iran’s leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, circulated an animated film that appeared to show a robot ordering a drone attack on President Trump while the president was playing golf in Mar-a- Lake in Florida. A competition was held to commemorate Soleimani’s passing two years ago, and one of the entries required for entry was a video titled “Revenge is Inevitable.” In a separate incident, an Iranian spy known as Khalid Mehdiyev was charged for making threats against Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-American journalist and rights activist. He was said to be carrying an AK-47 while watching the journalist’s house in Brooklyn. On several occasions, Alinejad has expressed her disapproval of Iran’s policies requiring women to cover their heads. Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State for the United States of America, addresses members of the press on November 26, 2019, in the briefing room of the State Department in Washington, District of Columbia. Secretary Pompeo addressed a variety of issues throughout his speech, including Iran, Cuba, and the latest demonstrations in Hong Kong.

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