How many children does the AGT magician have?  Jon Dorenbos with wife Annalise Dale

How many children does the AGT magician have?  Jon Dorenbos with wife Annalise Dale
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How many children does the AGT magician have? Jon Dorenbos with wife Annalize Dale

Jon Dorenbos is known to many of us thanks to the television program American’s Got Talent.

Participant Dorenbos is recognized at the show for his exceptional performance in magic and surprise cards. The judges and many other spectators praised the man during the presentation. AGT competitor Jon has been doing magic since he was 12 years old.

He started playing football in his freshman year of high school. Dorenbos replied, “When I was at training camp with the Eagles and competing in America’s Got Talent,” he was asked about his greatest professional achievement.

Annalize Dale, wife of Jon Dorenbos

Husband Jon Dorenbos is married. The AGT competitor and Annalize Dal have been married since 2017. At the beautiful Ocean Golf Course in Calbo Del Sol, Mexico, the couple exchanged vows during a laid-back beach ceremony.

Jon and Annalize had a love affair for two years before getting married.

Jon’s wife, a former hostess and casino director, rose to fame as the wife of a former American football player and magician.

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When Annalize joined the hotel’s senior staff, Jon’s partner was in charge of customer service, casino hosts and even casino operations. She had even received a promotion at her previous position.

Children of the AGT magician

Maya Dorenbos, born of Jon Dorenbos, is his daughter. The birth of Jon and Annalize’s child in 2019 is something they are thankful for.

Since his entire account is devoted to stunning images of his angelic child, you would already know her very well if you followed Jon on social media.

In addition, Jon shares a photo of his wife and daughter on Instagram.

The fact that Jon and Annalize are constantly photographed together shows how much they cherish and love their baby. The kids want to be together even when they are traveling or on vacation.

The ability of Jon Dorenbos

Jon Dorenbos’ estimated net worth is $2.5 million. From 2010 to 2016, the AGT celebrity was at his best when he played for the Philadelphia Eagles.

The magician’s last contract with the Eagles was for $3,400,000 over three years before being handed out to the Saints. Jon’s visit to The Ellen Show is a popular memory for many people.

As a professional magician, Dorenbos has had a flourishing career. A game show that Ellen created was hosted by Jon. Jon would visit your house and offer you the opportunity to win money and other fantastic prizes.

Even the football and baseball all-league teams include the former football great. He graduated from high school with honors and was named on the dean’s list.

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Julie Dorenbos: Who is she?

Before Jon married Annalize, he was previously married to Julie Dorenbos. Julie, the magician’s ex-wife, was responsible for internal business development at ING USA Annuity and Life Insurance Company.

The former husband was employed by Safe Harbor Financial. After that, Dorenbos’s ex-wife got the chance to host ‘The Great Sports Debate’ on Comcast and appear as a guest on SportsRadio 94WIP.

In 2010, Julie and former football player Jon Dorenbos met at a professional meeting in Philadelphia.

After hearing Jon’s inspirational speech on the occasion, Jon’s ex-wife was moved and left him a note the next day.

Jon and Julie clicked right away and fell in love. Despite exchanging vows, the couple broke up in 2015 because they couldn’t stay together.