Famine In Afghanistan Threatens Millions, UN Warns

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Join NATIONS (AP) — Warning that Afghanistan is facing impoverishment with 6 million individuals at risk of starvation, the UN philanthropic boss on Monday urged donors to reestablish financing for the monetary turn of events and give immediately of $770 million to help Afghans weather the cold weather. time of year as the United States squabbles with Russia and China over who should pay. Martin Griffiths told the UN Security Council that Afghanistan is facing various emergencies ― philanthropic, monetary, environmental, hunger and monetary. allsocialupdates.com Struggle, poverty, environmental shocks and food insecurity “for a long time have been a miserable reality” in Afghanistan, however, he gets any reason why the flow of events is “very simple” was the halt to massive aid in improving coverage since the Taliban takeover a year earlier. A large part of the Afghan population – about 24 million individuals – is in need of aid and close to 19 million face severe levels of food insecurity, Griffiths said. What’s more, we “assert” that the numbers will be more regrettable in light of the fact that the colder period of the year’s weather conditions will send the current high costs of fuel and food. Despite the difficulties, he said UN organizations and their NGO partners had carried out a “remarkable response” over the past year, reaching nearly 23 million individuals. However, he said that $614 million is expected to be spent on winter planning including repairing and updating shelters and providing comfortable clothing and shelter ― and an additional $154 million is expected in relation to food. and various supplies before the weather will disperse entry to certain regions. Griffiths pushed, in any case, that “the philanthropic guide will always not be able to replace the structure of the broad framework of administrations to 40 million individuals throughout the country.” The Taliban “do not have a financial plan to put resources into their own future,” he said, and “clearly some support to the advance must begin.” With more than 70% of Afghans living in the provincial regions, griffiths warned that if farming and raising livestock were not ensured “a large number of lives and jobs would be at stake, and the country’s ability to deliver of food is endangered. .” He said the country’s banking and liquidity emergency, and the dire problem of the global currency exchange must also be managed. “The consequences of not acting both compassionately and improvingly will be devastating and difficult to reverse,” Griffiths warned. Russia called a meeting of the UN Security Council before the main commemoration of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and its diplomat, Vassily Nebenzia, strongly condemned the “dishonorable 20-year crusade” of the United States and its NATO partners. He guarantees that they have not really developed the Afghan economy and that their presence has only strengthened the country’s status “as a hotbed of illegal terror” and opiates creation and circulation. Nebenzia also tasked the US, its partners in evacuating the Afghans to face “danger, need, illegal intimidation, hunger and various hardships.” “Instead of acknowledging their own mistakes and supporting the reproduction of the obliterated country,” he said, they blocked Afghan currency assets and removed its national bank from SWIFT, the existing framework for global exchange of money China’s UN Representative Zhang Jun also denounced the US, its partners for “avoiding responsibility and alienating the Afghan public” by withdrawing development aid, freezing resources of Afghanistan and forcing “political segregation and barricades.” US Envoy Linda Thomas-Greenfield blamed the Taliban for pushing strategies that “stabilize and starve the Afghan nation as opposed to keeping them safe” and for expanding the costs of commonly needed aid. He asked how the Taliban – which is not seen as an isolated country – hopes to create a relationship with the rest of the world when it gives a place of refuge to the leader of al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in center of Kabul. . He was killed by a US drone strike on July 31. In any case, Thomas-Greenfield said, the United States has contributed to the world’s drive in Afghanistan, providing more than $775 million in humanitarian aid. to Afghans in the country and in the area relatively recently. . With regard to frozen Afghan resources, President Joe Biden declared in February that $7 billion in the US is being split – $3.5 billion for a UN trust asset to provide aid to Afghans and $3.5 billion for groups of American killed in 9/11 terror. attacks on the United States. “No country that cares about the existence of psychological oppression in Afghanistan will support to give the Taliban quick, unqualified access to billions of resources that belong to the Afghan public,” said Thomas-Greenfield. On Russia’s charges that Afghanistan’s concerns are the West’s issue and not the Taliban’s, Thomas-Greenfield asked, “How are you helping other than repeating the past and criticizing others?” #Afghanistan is more than a humanitarian crisis. But this is not a hopeless crisis. Maintaining basic service delivery along with humanitarian assistance remains the only way to avoid a disaster even bigger than what we saw last year. My remarks: — Martin Griffiths (@UNReliefChief) August 29, 2022 He said Russia has only contributed $2 million to UN philanthropic interest for Afghanistan and that China’s pledges are “also disappointing.” “If you have any desire to discuss how Afghanistan needs help, that’s fine. However, we’re not suggesting that you set things in motion,” said Thomas-Greenfield. Russia’s Nebenzia again took the floor, referring to the idea as “shocking.” “We’re being asked to pay for rework from a country whose economy was basically wiped out by 20 years of US, what else, NATO occupation?” he asked. “You have to pay for your mixing. However, most importantly, you really want to return to the Afghan country the money that was taken from them. Thomas-Greenfield, the US diplomat, prevailed when it was all said and done the last word. “Assuming that the Russian Federation accepts that there is an economy in Afghanistan that will be wiped out, it will be wiped out by the Taliban,” he said.

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