What Happened To Travis T Bone Turner? Why Is The Bone Collector In A Wheelchair?

What Happened To Travis T Bone Turner? Why Is The Bone Collector In A Wheelchair?
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Travis T-Bone Turner of the band Bone Collector had his right leg cut off below the knee on February 7 because he had a rare type of cancer that affects soft tissues.

When it came out in 2008, Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector changed the way outdoor TV was made and quickly became one of Outdoor Channel’s most popular hunting shows.

The much-loved co-host of the show, T-Bone, recently told his fans something shocking about his illness that could change everything, which is terrible.

Travis T Bone Turner
Travis T Bone Turner

What Did Travis T. Bone Turner Do? The person who picks up bones is in a wheelchair

A biopsy was done on Travis T-Bone Turner. After ten days, he got the terrible news that he had fibrosarcoma, a type of cancer that spreads quickly and grows in many places.

The only way to get rid of the tumor was to have surgery. The reality star also said that he has been in a wheelchair and going through two kinds of very hard chemotherapy.

He said that last July, when he went to the ER for treatment for an infected tick bite, he asked the doctor about a knot on his right thigh that was as big as a grape, according to reports.

By the middle of August, the knot had grown to the size of a golf ball. After the screening, T-Bone had an MRI, which showed that he had multiple tumors and said that a biopsy was needed.

The Latest on Travis T. Bone Turner’s Cancer in 2022

Travis T. B. Turner had shared some sad news about his tumor, which was a rare type of cancer called fibrosarcoma. Sarcoma is a broad term for tumors that start in bone or soft tissue.

The reality star from the United States talked about how his family and friends helped him get through it. Doctors also found a 9-millimeter nodule on the left lung, which may or may not be cancerous. This was more bad news.

He started getting two different kinds of chemotherapy right away. He did this for five days straight every three weeks. The procedures helped his lungs up to a certain point, according to The Focus.

Turner had a sarcoma in his right lower leg, but when it was time to have surgery to remove it, the tumor and bone in his leg had grown together, making it impossible to remove the tumor. Because of this, he had to cut off his legs above the knee.

How Much Is Travis T-Bone Turner Worth in 2022?

Travis T-Bone Turner has made about $2.5 million in his life. He knows a lot about bows and arrows and has won tournaments with them. Most of his money comes from his business.

He has won the title of Outdoor 3-D Archery World Champion and has been on TV and in videos like the Realtree “Monster Bucks” series.

Turner is known as one of the best archers and hunters in the outdoor recreation industry. Bonecollector says that after more than 15 years of professional shooting competitions, he became an ASA and APA Certified Pro Shooter.

The reality star has also won a lot of state titles and placed on the podium. In 1991, she won the ASA Archery World Championship. He is a conservationist and works for Whitetails Unlimited on a national level.

Travis “T-Bone” Turner is one of the most respected archers and hunters in the world. Over the past thirty years, he has won a lot of state championships and the ASA World Championship in 1991, making him an ASA Pro shooter. In addition to hosting the TV show Realtree Road Trips, T-Bone co-hosts the TV show Bone Collector with Michael Waddell and Nick Mundt on the Outdoor Channel. I recently got to talk to T-Bone about hunting, archery, being famous, being a dad, and a lot more.

Where did you grow up, Mr. Wright?

“T-Bone” Travis Turner: We lived in Dayton, Ohio, from the time I was born until I was about 5 years old. My dad was a firefighter in Dayton. When he was moved, we moved to the suburbs of Atlanta. Since then, I’ve been living in the Atlanta area.

How did you end up living where you do now?

T-Bone: I moved from Ohio to Douglasville, Georgia, where I grew up, but then I moved further south to Hogansville, Georgia (about an hour to an hour-and-a-half south of Atlanta). When I moved, it was around 1996. Atlanta had swallowed up Douglasville, and the city became a lot busier as a result. I moved because the best places to hunt and fish were south of Atlanta. I wanted to get away from the concrete jungle, so I moved there.

T-Bone: Yeah, I used to hunt and fish all the time in Douglasville when I was a kid. There is still good hunting and fishing, but now there are only 30–50 acres to roam instead of 300–400. So it’s not as big, but people all over the country have to deal with that too because of the growth of industry and population.

We have to change just like the deer do. For example, we go hunting every year in the suburbs of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We hunt in 1-2 acre wooded areas right behind people’s homes.

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Travis T Bone TurnerTravis T Bone Turner
Travis T Bone Turner

Who showed you how to hunt?

T-Bone: Well, a lot of people influenced me, but I’d say my dad was the most important. When I was 4 or 5, he took me hunting for squirrels and fishing. When I was 9 or 10, I got my first bow because I did well in school. Actually, he didn’t know much about bows, so he bought me one that was a little too heavy. He did have good intentions, though. Even so, it was very hard for me to pull.

Travis “T-Bone” Turner of the band Bone Collector poses with his archery gear for a photo shoot for the Outdoor Channel.

 What happens to your archery experience if you use a bow that is too thick?

T-Bone: Most of the time, a gun is easier to get used to because it can fit more than one person. But when it comes to archery gear, the bow has to be set up for the person’s dominant eye, and tailor-fit drawing has to be used.

When my dad bought me my first bow, he got me a 45-pound recurve, which is a type of bow that can be used by adults to hunt. A recurve bow doesn’t have “let-off” to make it easier to hold at full draw, and I’m 9 or 10 years old and trying to shoot a bow made for an adult male in his 20s.

When I was that age, I could only bend the strings about 10 inches. I felt like a weakling because I couldn’t pull the bow back all the way. I wasn’t enjoying myself. So my first time shooting an arrow wasn’t a good one. I talk a lot about this in seminars to show how important it is to get a bow that fits right if you want your first time archery to go well.

T-Bone: I was hooked on fishing and other outdoor activities from the start, no pun intended. I actually stopped shooting arrows after my first bad experience with a bow. So, for a couple of years, I only used the bow for target practice because I couldn’t pull hard enough to use it for hunting.

But I loved hunting small animals. I didn’t go deer hunting with a gun until I was about 15 or 16 years old. At age 10, I was sure I couldn’t pull a 45-pound bow, but as I got older, I got stronger and stronger. In high school, I played football and could bench press a little more than 300 pounds, but for some reason, I thought I couldn’t pull a 45-pound bow.

Well, some of my hunting club friends asked me if I wanted to go bow hunting with them. Because of that bad experience as a child, I started making up all kinds of reasons why I didn’t want to go. But they finally got me to agree to get a bow. When the salesman put the bow on, it weighed 64 pounds, and I thought, “There’s no way I’ll be able to pull this!” Even in front of my friends, I wouldn’t try it because I didn’t think I could do it.

I took it home so I wouldn’t have to try it in front of other people. I worked on myself, and I was so scared to do it. I almost “ripped the wheels” off of it, though. I had gotten so much stronger that I could easily pull it. It was almost like I had changed 180 degrees. I couldn’t believe I just needed to try archery again. I had no trouble at all pulling it. I ended up putting about 80 pounds on the bow, and even that much weight was easy to pull.

So, to make a long story short, some guys from the local archery range were in the shop that day, and they asked my friends and me to come out and shoot in a tournament. We had never even shot in a competition. That Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, we had practice, and they finally got me to go. Just being able to shoot again made me happy.

We signed up for the Novice division, which is for first-timers, along with about 30 other people. We really had a great time. It turned out that I won against everyone in the Novice division. I finally found something I was good at when I was 18. So that’s what made me the crazy archer I am now.

Michael Waddell, Nick Mundt, and Travis “T-Bone” Turner from the Outdoor Channel show “Bone Collector” pose for a photo shoot to promote the show.

SW: When did hunting start getting you a lot of attention?

T-Bone: The attention came soon after the first archery tournament, which was in 1988. I couldn’t wait to compete again. I started to spend a lot of time in tournaments. Every weekend, I went all over the southeast to compete in these tournaments, which were held twice or three times a week.

In 1990, I won the Georgia State Championship for the first time. So, even though I had only been shooting professionally for two years, I quickly moved up the ranks. The next year, Browning Archery in Utah asked me to join their National Shooting Pro Staff. I also won the ASA World Championships! 500+ people from more than 38 states were in my class. I say that I’m like “a blind hog finding an acorn,” but in 1991, I was the best there. So, from then on, I shot professionally all through the 1990s, and by the end of the decade, I even had my own outdoor store. Then, around 2000, I started hunting on TV. I worked with Jeff Foxworthy and co-hosted Realtree’s Monster Bucks TV show.

I still shoot tournaments now and then, but I haven’t been on the tournament tour circuit since about 2002.

Travis “T-Bone” Turner gets into character as “T-Bone” for the TV show “Monster Bucks” from Realtree.

SW: How did the name “T-Bone” get started?

T-Bone: About 45 minutes south of here, in the city of Columbus, Georgia, is where Realtree is. “Monster Bucks,” a hunting show on TV and DVD made by that company, has been the most popular hunting show on TV and DVD for 25 years. I became good friends with the people at Realtree, and I started setting up the bows for celebrities who came on their show. On set, I fixed and set up bows for important people like country singers and professional ball players to make sure they had a great time archery and bow hunting for the first time.

They decided one day that they wanted to give Jeff Foxworthy a nice ending, so they asked me to be a character in their series with him. And that’s why people called him “T-Bone.” My character, which I played with Jeff Foxworthy, had big “Bubba” teeth and a big floppy hat. It was a very “hick” character, and people loved it.

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T-Bone: I like all legal ways to hunt, as long as they are legal. But for me, archery gear is the most relaxing. Watching an arrow fly is interesting. It’s amazing that this is a tool made by people that can shoot an arrow so accurately.

You can always get better at archery, no matter how good you already are. It’s not possible to do it perfectly. You can always improve if you aim for the middle of the middle. It’s so satisfying to see an arrow fly and hit the target.

SW: What does a busy day for T-Bone look like?

T-Bone: Well, I think most people who watch Bone Collector or Road Trips think that we’re busy from September to January and then just hang out the rest of the year.

It’s a busy life, but I love my job so much that I don’t mind. I usually get up in the morning and do some work at the office. I talk to people on the phone, keep contracts going, and put together posts for social media, among other things. Also, I do a lot of research and development with the companies and partners we work with because I know a lot about archery. During hunting season, we hunt a lot, both in the morning and in the evening.

When I’m at home, I try to get my office work done until 4:30 or 5:00 p.m., when my wife and son get home. Because I travel so much, it’s really important that I spend that time with my family until we go to bed. But no two days are the same, which I think is a big part of why I love my job so much. As the national spokesperson for Whitetails Unlimited, when I’m not doing those things, I give speeches, go to trade shows, and meet and greet people.

What is the most exciting story you have about hunting?

T-Bone: A lot of people ask me that, and I’ve been on so many exciting hunts. I think the most exciting time I had hunting was the first time I took my son hunting.

My 11-year-old son has a form of autism called high-functioning autism. When he was about 7 years old, we killed our first doe together. It was very important to me to teach my son how to hunt the way my father taught me. I was more interested in seeing him hunt than in shooting that deer myself. The look on my son’s face is etched in my mind forever. It made me think a lot about the first deer I ever shot. All I could think at that moment was, “Welcome to the Brotherhood, son.”

How did you hear about Lock Laces® for the first time?

T-Bone: Someone from Lock Laces® got in touch with me. When I was first asked to help, I thought, “How can you make something as simple as shoelaces into something new?” But when I switched to Lock Laces®, I saw all the benefits of not having to tie my shoelaces.

Before you try Lock Laces®, you don’t realize how much time you waste tying and untying your shoelaces. I can say for sure that once you use Lock Laces® to tie someone’s shoes or boots, they will never want to use traditional laces again. People get so used to how simple and easy it is to use these laces. Travis “T-Bone” Turner shows off his Camo Boot Lock Laces when he visits Lock Laces in North Carolina. SW: How are Lock Laces® helpful when hunting?

T-Bone: When you go hunting, you walk through a lot of leaves and brush, so your shoes always come undone. Lock Laces® solve this problem in every way. I tell people that Lock Laces® give them tension when they need it and calmness when they need it. So, if your foot gets stuck in a tight spot, the elastic laces will stretch a little to keep blood from stopping.

We all know that when we walk or go hiking, our boots need to fit well. But a hunter for whitetail deer spends a lot of time sitting in a tree stand and waiting. You don’t always want to have tight boots once you’re up in the tree stand, especially in the winter. So your feet don’t get cold, you want to be able to move your toes and let blood flow to them. Lock Laces® give your foot the flexibility it needs to keep blood flowing, and it only takes a few seconds to fully loosen the lock. Lock Laces® has a lot of good points.

Do you wear Lock Laces® even when you’re not hunting?

SW: Have friends, family, or fans told you how Lock Laces® helped them in their daily lives?

T-Bone: As I said before, my son has autism spectrum disorder and goes to a school for kids with special needs. I had heard that Lock Laces® are great for kids with autism because many people with special needs have trouble with their fine motor skills. So, we gave about 200 pairs to my son’s school, and I’m getting a lot of great feedback from the school. So many of the kids couldn’t get their shoes to stay tied. Now that they have Lock Laces®, they don’t have to worry about going around with loose shoelaces.

T-Bone: When you’re hunting, Lock Laces® are like a breath of fresh air. Before I found Lock Laces®, I’d always had to tie my boot laces by hand, so I knew I’d have to stop and retie my shoes many times during a day of hunting. Every time I go hunting since I started using Lock Laces®, I’m so happy that I don’t have to worry about stopping to tie and retie my shoes.

Travis “T-Bone” Turner posed for a picture while visiting the Lock Laces company in Durham, N.C., wearing and holding Lock Laces gear.SW: Have you tried other shoes or shoelaces that don’t need to be tied? If that’s the case, how are Lock Laces® better?

T-Bone: No, I never switched out my regular shoelaces for ones that don’t need to be tied before I found Lock Laces®. I’ve worn Velcro-style slip-on shoes, especially in the 1980s. But Lock Laces® are much better than Velcro and other options for shoes that don’t need laces because you can put them in almost any shoe with eyelets.

 What do people say when you tell them about Lock Laces® and how they work for the first time?

T-Bone: When I tell people about Lock Laces®, I hope they can feel how passionate and true I am. If I didn’t think these shoelaces were good, I wouldn’t tell people about them.

When I tell people about these laces that don’t need to be tied, they think it’s a lazy way to avoid tying shoelaces. They have never known anything else because they have always tied their shoes. But when I tell them all the good things about Lock Laces® and how they work, they see that they are not only easier, but also better. It just makes sense! Most of the time, when they see how much easier and better these laces are, they want to tie their shoes right away. And once they try Lock Laces®, they stick with them for life.