Is Beric Dondarrion related to Sir Criston Cole? A look at his Dornish ancestors in the books

Is Beric Dondarrion related to Sir Criston Cole? A look at his Dornish ancestors in the books

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Beric Dondarrion and Oberyn Martel of Game of Thrones and Criston Cole, a ser-knight of the TV show House of Dragon, had similar cultures and morals.

Cole is the Knight of House Cole, and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen asked Viserys I Targaryen to place him in the Kingsguard. The series shows how the princess and the knight are connected.

Criston also falls in love with Rhaenyra, the queen of the Targaryen dynasty, and gets close to her. But they have no children together. People are trying to figure out what Beric Dondarrion and Oberyn Martel have in common after it turns out they both come from the same family.

Criston Cole
Criston Cole

Is there a connection between Beric Dondarrion and Sir Criston Cole?

Sir Criston’s father was the flight attendant at Blackhaven. Beric, on the other hand, was the lord of Blackhaven. He was in charge of House Dondarrion, which Christon used to work for. The Lord in the Crown was chosen by Eddard Stark.

Beric was also given the task of getting to know Ser Gregor Clegane. Dondarrion was in charge of the guerrilla resistance team that formed the lord and his men. Brotherhood Without Flags was the name of the group.

During the War of the Five Kings in the Riverlands, they formed a group that worked against Lannister’s targets. However, he was killed many times during the war. Yet the Red Priest of Lord of Light Thoros of Myr brought him back to life.

Dondarrion is a young gentleman who loves the life of a knight. Even tournaments were open to the lord. He was born in Blackhaven and died in 305 AC in Winterfall. He was also stabbed by eights many times during the Battle of Winterfell.

Dondarrion made several groups, such as House Dondarrion, House Baratheon and Brotherhood Without Banners, that devoted themselves to different things. He is an Andal and he believed in the Faith of the Seven. He later changed his religion to R’hllor.

Dondarrion was in 14 episodes of Game of Thrones from seasons 1, 3, 6, 7 and 8. The first time we saw him was in A Golden Crown, and the last time was in The Last of the Starks. David Michael Scott played the part in the first season, and Richard Dormer did so in the third and eighth.

There are some similarities between Criston Cole’s “House of Dragons” and Beric Dondarrion’s “Game of Thrones”.

Cole and Dondarrion were both part of the same culture (a race of men from Westeros for six thousand years). They used the language most people spoke.

Cole and Dondarrion were both born in Balckhaven. The Lord of Blackhaven, on the other hand, has passed away and Cole is still alive in the series.

Cole believed in the belief of seven or new gods, the main religion of the seven kingdoms. Dondarrion was raised in the Faith of Seven religion, but later became Lord of Light, or R’hllor.

Cole’s father was the steward of Balckhaven, and Dondarrion is the lord of Balckhaven.

The Ancestors of Criston Cole Dornish

Cole comes from Dornse people. He is part of the Dornish Marches house. He also worked for House Dondarrion of Blackhaven. The house was formerly run by Lord Beric Dondarrion.

In addition, Criston’s father was a janitor. He was the person the monarch had chosen to represent them in a country called Balckhaven.

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Cole could be the people who live in Drone. Cole has Dornse roots, but it is not clear from which side of the family he comes. Even the character fights on the front lines with Drone as foot soldiers. His religion and culture have something to do with the Game of Thrones character.

How Criston Cole and Oberyn Martell Get Along

After Criston appeared on the show House of Dragon, people started to look like Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones. They can see that Cole and Oberyn are connected. Both warriors have dark brown waves and olive skin.

Cole and Oberyn both make a living as swordsmen and come from the same family. Criston’s father was a laborer for Lord Dondarrion. The person is from the Dornish Marches, Drone’s enemy.

In the TV show Game of Thrones, Drone is the birthplace of Prince Oberyn Martell. Dorne differs from the rest of Westeros in terms of morals and culture. In season four of Game of Thrones, the character appeared as a member of House Martell. He reached the wedding of King Joffrey Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell.

After Gregor Clegane is murdered, Oberyn begins to hate the Lannisters very much. People thought Criston was related to the famous Game of Thrones character. Beric fought, as did Criston and Oberyn. Three of them are related.

Previously, fans were concerned about how Rhaenyra Targaryen and Daenerys interacted. The niece of the princess is the daughter of King Aerys II and Queen Rhaella.

Criston ColeCriston Cole
Criston Cole

Parents of Criston Cole from Blackhaven

Criston was born in Blackhaven. His parents lived there. His father was the steward of the place where he was born. He was also a member of House Cole and worked for House Dondarrion. In season one of House of the Dragon, the character appears during the Heir’s Tournament.

Criston and Kingt of House Tarly get into a fight and Criston leaves him. Later he fought and defeated Lord Boremund and Ser Boros Baratheon. After that was the battle between the warrior and Prince Daemon Targaryen.

During the tournament, there were several battles with titles that were about the same. Later, Criston took the prince off his horse and Daemon demanded a fight on foot. After defeating Daemon, Criston asked Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, the only child of King Viserys I and Aemma Arryn, for her favor.

Rhaenyra threw her laurel wreath at him and told him to do it right. Six months after Rahenyra praised him, Cristin became the king’s guard after the tournament. After that, the character went to Prince Daemon’s castle in Dragonstone, where the princess takes care of the situation quite well.

Cole announced the role in House of the Dragon on December 8, 2020. On April 15, 2021, Fabien Frankel sang the role of Criston.

Criston Cole . Family Tree

Cole is the common son of a steward, so he has no rights to land or titles. In the episode Fire & Blood he was born in Dornish Marches. The person had coal-colored hair and pale green eyes.

Cole is one of the most powerful warriors still alive in Westeros. Even the girls at court thought he was handsome and charming. Although his Dornish ancestry is never mentioned in the book, he hails from the Dornish Marches, which lie on the fringes of Stormlands, Reach and Drone.

The first time the character was seen was in The Heirs of the Dragon, and he or she was in three episodes of the first season of House of Dragon. He is a member of House Cole and the Kingsguard.

Early years

Ser Criston was born in Blackhaven, in the Dornish Marches, as a steward of Lord Dondarrion.

Criston won a fight at the Maidenpool tournament in 104 AC, which was held to celebrate King Viserys I Targaryen’s rise to the Iron Throne. He caught the attention of the royal court by knocking Prince Daemon Targaryen’s Dark Sister out of his hands with his morning star. He gave the winner’s laurel to Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, who was then seven years old. He also gave it to Kingsguard twins Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk Cargyll before Lord Lymond Mallister threw him off the horse. After that, King Viserys gave Rhaenyra what she wanted by making Criston her personal shield. In 105 AC, Criston, who was then 23 years old, replaced the legendary Ser Ryam Redwyne as a member of the Kingsguard.

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Criston gained the favor of Rhaenyra when he died in 111 AD. Ser Gwayne defeated Hightower, the younger brother and champion of Alicent Hightower, the second wife and queen of King Viserys. After fighting with his royal brother for half a year, Daemon left the capital. Mushroom says Daemon Rhaenyra learned how to seduce the noble Criston by teaching her explicit lessons. When Rhaenyra finally approached the knight, Criston was so scared that he sent the girl away.

When Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Ser Harrold Westerling died in 112 AC, Criston was chosen to lead the White Cloaks.

In the year 113 AD, Rhaenyra, princess of Dragonstone, was forced by her father, King Viserys I Targaryen, to marry Ser Laenor Velaryon. Septon Eustace says Criston snuck into Rhaenyra’s bedroom to tell her he loved her and offered to run with her to one of the Free Cities, where he would give his sword to a merchant prince. Rhaenyra said no to him, saying that a Targaryen was meant to be more than a merchant’s wife and that if he could forget his Kingsguard vows, he could forget his wedding vows. Mushroom, on the other hand, says Rhaenyra tried to seduce Criston in White Sword Tower and failed. The rejected princess found solace in Ser Harwin Strong, also known as Breakbones. Criston went from being her most loyal defender to her worst enemy, and Rhaenyra quickly left for Driftmark with Harwin as her new sworn shield.

Ser Criston attended the wedding of Rhaenyra and Laenor in 114 AC, a seven-day feast with food and jousting. He fought with Queen Alicent Hightower’s token. He broke Harwin’s collarbone and elbow during a fight, so Mushroom started calling him “Brokenbones”. Criston’s morning star also broke the helm of Ser Joffrey Lonmouth, who was Laenor’s favorite. Six days later, the Knight of Kisses died of damage to his head. Criston’s actions angered many people, including King Viserys. However, Queen Alicent disagreed and asked if Criston would become her personally sworn shield. Since then, Criston has always been a big supporter of Alicent and a member of the Greens.

Although Prince Aemond Targaryen only had one eye, Criston taught him how to be a good swordsman.

The Dance of the Dragons

When King Viserys I Targaryen died in AD 129, Criston and Queen Alicent Hightower gathered the small council to talk about the next king, but they didn’t tell anyone that the king had died. Criston didn’t want Rhaenyra Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone, or her husband, Prince Daemon Targaryen, to be in charge. He also spread the rumor that Rhaenyra’s children of Ser Laenor Velaryon were pigs. Instead of Rhaenrya, the green prince wanted Aegon the Elder to crown her younger half-brother. Septon Eustace says Criston slashed Lord Lyman Beesbury, the only councilor to support Rhaenyra. Mushroom, on the other hand, says Criston threw Lyman out a window to his death. However, neither Eustace nor Mushroom were at the meeting.

Criston jailed all black people who were still in court. Criston went to Prince Aegon to convince him to take the Iron Throne. Mushroom wrote that Criston had found Aegon with a young girl in Flea Bottom, but Eustace said that Aegon was with a merchant’s daughter, which was a more respectable situation. The septon says Criston told the prince that Rhaenyra would kill him and his siblings if he didn’t take the Iron Throne.

Criston put the crown of Aegon the Conqueror on the young king’s head during his coronation in the Dragon’s Pit. Criston was called the Kingmaker because he helped Aegon II become king.