Gone Girl (2014) Ending Explained – Why did Nick continue his relationship with Amy?

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Gone Girl (2014) Ending Explained – Why did Nick continue his relationship with Amy?

Gone Girl Plot Synopsis

Gone Girl is thought to be one of the darkest movies ever made, and the main character is more than one. Amy Elliott Dunne. The Machiavellian main character and villain in Gone Girl is one of the most interesting anti-heroines I’ve seen in a while.

The 2014 psychological thriller “Gone Girl,” based on a book by Gillian Flynn, was directed by David Fincher. The modern mystery is about Nick Dunne, played by Ben Affleck, who is the prime suspect in the disappearance of his wife Amy, played by Rosamund Pike.

Labeling the main character’s girlfriend as crazy, evil, or even psychotic would be a way to hide the surprising brilliance of the character and the complex web that Flynn has created around her.

The psychologically hard-to-understand film became popular because it presented Amy Elliott Dunne’s ultimate revenge fantasy for a woman. The story is about how her husband cheated on her, and she wants him to pay for it. He could publicly embarrass her, tell everyone about his mistress, or ruin her financially by divorcing her. Amazing Amy’s only choice is to fake her own death and blame it on her husband.

Ultimately, this is the perfect crime. Nick stole her hope, pride, dignity, and money, and she didn’t stop until she was no longer the same. He killed his alter ego. He killed “Amazing Amy”.

How is Amy’s character influenced by her childhood?

Nick tells Amy that her parents are horrible. He gets the idea that his personality flaws are because of them, and he realizes that he’s never felt emotionally validated. He thought he had to be a fake Amy, the fake Amy, to be liked and loved.

In one scene, her father tells her to give reporters and bloggers some “Amy color” by talking to them. “People want to hear what you have to say,” he said. We all know that when he says “You,” he means the bright and vivacious Amy. Nick then says, “Your parents stole your childhood,” but she tells him, “No, they made it better.”

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As a child, Amy’s emotional needs were not met, so she learned to put her parents’ needs before her own. He realized that when he hid who he really was and played a character, a fake version of himself that was perfect, his parents accepted and validated his feelings. Over time, he became part of the version of himself that he created.

Why does Amy want to punish Nick?

The film tells the story of Nick Dunne and his wife Amy Dunne’s struggles in their troubled marriage. At first, everything seems fine, but then life starts to get in the way, and problems start to appear in their relationship and in their own lives.

Nick cheats on Amy when they are struggling to survive and are stuck in a bad marriage. Amy wants to get revenge on Nick, so she disappears one day and leaves behind a well-thought-out plan to put Nick in prison for killing him.

What motivates Desi Collings to help Amy?

The ending of the film is still, without a doubt, the best part of it. The ending is brutal, relentless, and terrifying. This will leave you feeling uneasy for a long time after the credits roll.

After her neighbors in the Ozarks steal her money, Amy ends up with Desi Collings, her ex-boyfriend, even though he has a restraining order against her.

Desi wants to get back with him, so he agrees to take her after she convinces him that Nick is violent and needs to leave. Meanwhile, Nick is in jail because they found evidence against him that is very bad. Afterwards, he makes an emotional confession on TV to try to get Amy to forgive him.

What happens after Amy kills Desi?

Amy pretends to have sex with Desi before he slits her throat with a box cutter and runs away. He returns to Nick with Desi covered in blood. She claims that Desi kidnapped her and raped her, which is confirmed by the fact that Desi’s sperm was found inside her. He also set up a video and many injuries to Desi to make her look guilty. This strengthens his case.

The FBI has no choice but to believe what he says, even though the lead investigator, Detective Rhonda Boney, is smart and questions any holes in his story. When she gets home, she and Nick lie about being the loving couple everyone thinks they are.

At the end of Gone Girl, why did Amy go back to Nick?

Nick decides to take part in his game and do what he wants. So, he pretended to be the person he thought he was supposed to be. He decides to pretend to be “Amazing Nick” to bring her back because it’s better than dying. Nick said in the interview, “I was a bad husband to a great wife.” He said this to praise her and criticize himself. He understood that she wanted him to call her “Amazing Amy.” He knew they all wanted to make a good impression on him. She even claims that she is a con artist so that she can act with the man she likes.

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He said that when they got married, he promised that he would be “that person,” the role he wanted her to play. He said that instead of doing what was right, to pretend to be who he wanted her to be, he did what was easy, to be himself. The irony is that it’s easier to pretend to be someone else than to be yourself.

He wants her to be as perfect as he is. Nick became strange to her. She’s used to a certain version of him, but it’s slowly becoming her own, and she says she’s changed into someone she doesn’t want to marry.

She changed her mind during the interview and decided to go back to him. She loves Nick’s fake image so much that she abandons her revenge fantasy and tries to get back with him.

In the movie, Nick and Amy have two different sides.

Nick is who he says he is when he has an affair with a student, loves his sister Margo, and is a chill, easygoing guy. Amy falls in love with Faux Nick, the hero who gets things done and gives an emotional speech for her husband on national TV.

Faux Amy is the kind, cute, and innocent “cool girl” burdened by her fame. She is a great wife, daughter, and girl. Genuine Amy is a cunning, sneaky strategist who always tries to stay in the spotlight.

Nick’s relationship with Amy makes no sense.

Amy tells Nick that she came back after he tried to talk to him on live TV and that she did it because she wanted to see him become that man. She tries to convince Nick that she won’t hurt him, and she tells him that she wants him to take responsibility and make up for the mistakes they made together.

The situation worsens when Amy starts acting like the perfect wife by making breakfast. Nick decides to publicly shame Amy for what he did, but is shocked when Amy tells him that she got pregnant using Nick’s sperm that was kept in a sperm bank for testing. He fights with her and tries to leave, but Amy says she doesn’t have to tell her son to hate her if she leaves, so she has no choice but to stay with him.

As the credits begin to roll and they announce Amy’s pregnancy on TV, the couple continues to focus on their family life while also getting a book deal, a movie deal, and a dealership for Nick and Margo’s bar.

By the end of the movie, they are a dysfunctional odd couple. They even agree in a roundabout way to stay together and continue to play Faux Nick and Faux Amy. This makes Nick and Amy almost perfect for each other. They bring out the worst in each other, making the final shot of Amy’s face looking at Nick in a different light.