Do Revenge (2022) Netflix Movie Review – Grippy teen comedy has a sadistic nature

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You probably wouldn’t expect a Netflix movie about teenage revenge to be of such high quality. Yes, I’ve already shown my hand, but despite the fact that Do Revenge has its own problems, it’s still a movie that, for the most part, isn’t entirely dislikeable. The lack of decent writing and character development is a perennial issue in films of this genre. Oh, and the characters are shallow. Such narratives lack nuance and gravitas, as their sole purpose is to pique the interest of the typical young moviegoer in order to generate revenue. Remember that the genre has been massively commoditized, and Netflix has, in most cases, been the undisputed facilitator of this process.

Does Revenge cast aside low, outdated industry standards and take a new, albeit somewhat dark, twist that resolves itself with relevant competing ideas about gender differences and patriarchy. Despite the fact that the twist is a bit on the dark side, it’s a welcome addition to the genre.

Honor Society, starring Angourie Rice, is another great movie you shouldn’t miss watching because it has a similar atmosphere. Despite the fact that the two projects went in separate directions, many aspects of Do Revenge brought back memories of it. The plot of Do Revenge centers on an unlikely friendship that develops between two women consumed by the desire for revenge. Drea (Camilla Mendes) is in perfectenschlag. He couldn’t have written a more compelling underdog story for himself if he tried. However, everything comes crashing down when his old partner, who was not his “ex” at the time, exposes a “private film” he sent her.

In front of the whole school, he punches Max (Austin Abrams), who is a big deal and rich dad. Because of this, he received a temporary suspension from school. The upcoming winters will see Drea participating in tennis camp, followed by community service. Eleanor, played by Maya Hawke, is a girl who is mostly reserved and loyal. She will be entering Rosehill, which is Drea’s school, in a few months. He was the person she met at the camp.

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They start talking, and it soon becomes clear that each of them is nursing a recent emotional injury in their hearts. They are motivated to take revenge, and they make a pact to do so by venting their anger on their respective victims of the other party. A real connection is made, but Drea is forced to face a dark truth from her past that hangs over her head like a thick cloud, helping her put things into perspective. To begin with, the most important thing. The writing quality in Do Revenge is undeniably higher than usual. That is the main unique selling proposition (USP), something that most of its competitors usually do not have. In addition to having amazing personalities, the people in the story are not one-dimensional like the plot, nor is it predictable like this. They are fully developed and rounded to some extent. Their arcs, meticulously designed within the narrative itself, receive a large amount of focus and attention.

Listening to their conversation is emotionally engaging because the dialogue is not run-of-the-mill or cheesy in any way. Most of these are adjusted to meet charging requirements. Their problems are only brought to light after extensive inquiry and cannot be solved until they are revealed. Besides, they have good chemistry with each other. There are times when it’s so entertaining to hear Drea and Eleanor go at it that you might be tempted to rewind the clock and let them do it again.

Even in the role of antagonists, they are successful and manage to offer a menacing intensity that is not only effective but also does not come across as a disturbing detour. Maya Hawke’s conversations with Austin Abram are absolutely amazing, despite the fact that they tend to be too realistic for their own good. And once you get the characters, the rest of the job will be much simpler because they will lead you in the right direction.

Do Revenge doesn’t lose the liveliness that makes movies in this category so much fun to watch, despite the fact that it deviates drastically from the usual formula for teen movies. The story still centers on two young women who struggle to come to terms with their feelings as they navigate their adolescence and the world around them. One thing writers do very well to avoid doing is turning the story into a coming-of-age story halfway through. There have been an endless number of works in the past that, over the years, have sought refuge in this allied archetype to give the appearance of loyalty. Do Revenge follows its own course from the beginning and stays on that course until the very end. The overall performance of the ensemble is quite well rounded. The screenplay does a fantastic job of defining its main priorities, and director Jennifer Robinson makes good use of the available resources.

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Thematically, there are some stray feminist undertones that are nerve-racking. Their appearance gives the impression of being a forced obligation that the film would rather not do. Presumably the thought process behind this was to use it in the process of making the story more inclusive, as well as multidimensional, and to appease certain segments of the audience. A lot of time is wasted on an unnecessary romantic subplot involving Drea and Russ (played by Rish Shah, who most recently appeared in Disney’s Ms. Marvel). This time could have been better used. One thread that is never resolved is the unexplored romantic connection between Eleanor and Gabbi (played by Talia Ryder from Never Rarely Sometimes Always), which has the potential to become something truly remarkable. It’s a shame that someone with Ryder’s talent gets so little screen time.

There is an almost perfect harmony between all the sections, resulting in a finished product that is memorable and probably worth watching again. Even though the Shyamalan twist on Do Revenge isn’t there yet, the story isn’t in any danger of breaking. It would have succeeded despite being a conflict between two fierce friends and enemies in the heart of a bittersweet story. Camilla Mendez and Maya Hawke lead the pack with real twists as they understand their characters well.

Do Revenge, which gives a clever modern twist to Hitchcock’s old classic idea of ​​two strangers who meet and set themselves on a remarkable journey, while at the same time making itself a smart contender for awards which is popularly chosen, preventing the odd slip into mediocrity. Do Revenge gives a clever modern twist to Hitchcock’s old classic idea of ​​two strangers who meet and set themselves on a remarkable journey.