Big Mouth Episode 16 Summary and Recap: Revenge served hot|All Social Updates

Big Mouth Episode 16 Summary and Recap: Revenge served hot

#Big #Mouth #Episode #Summary #Recap #Revenge #served #hot

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Oh Choong-hwan is the director of the Korean crime thriller mystery TV series Big Mouth (), which also stars Lee Jong-suk, Im Yoon-ah (Yoona), Kim Joo-hun, Kwak Dong-yeon and Yang are Kyung-won. The show takes over Doctor Lawyer’s schedule Friday and Saturday at 10pm KST on MBC.

Big Mouth Episode 16

The duration of Big Mouth Episode 16 is 71 minutes.

Episode 16 of Big Mouth begins with Do-ha and Chang-ho competing for the mayoral race. Mi-ho and Jerry arrive at the fish factory and enter the building without any worries as they begin to introduce themselves. Of course, a fight breaks out and they manage to capture the fish farm manager. Chang-ho discovers that the discussion is now also being manipulated.

Mi-ho demands that the boss reveal the information while threatening him with water from the farm. Do-ha brings up the issue of cryptocurrency and asks Chang-ho about his plans to withdraw from the campaign if the allegation turns out to be true. His eyes sparkle and we all know what that means.

However, behind the scenes, Chae-bong feverishly searches for a solution to prevent the invaders from causing further damage, afraid of the fish farm getting caught up in this mess. Chang-ho doesn’t shy away from bringing up the most uncomfortable topics throughout the debate to make Do-ha fidget in his chair, even bringing up NF9 and his grandfather.

Do-ha appears restless and annoyed, and seems to be taking some time to gather himself. The charge of confession is caught on tape by Mi-ho and the crew, and in it he effectively tells the beans about the fish, the water, the radiation, and the money NK Chemicals is paying them. They also collect anything and everything from the farm that could serve as evidence.

Mi-ho makes the decision to take the evidence to the TV station after gathering everything. They run into trouble as they approach, so Chun-sik encourages Jerry and Mi-ho to leave while they stop the others. Du-geun decides to call the police after Chae-bong starts stalking her, and Soon-tae gathers all the information and vows to take care of everything.

Chae-bong fears they are doomed when Mi-automobile ho is pulled over on the freeway. Unfortunately, to the horror of the bad men, they are given a police escort and given priority to being dragged away. As a result, Mi-ho gets a call from her father and, in an emotional moment in his unsuspecting ears, confides in him that she’s really happy.

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Gi-gwang and Soon-tae spot the cryptocurrency scammer after calling the citizen panel, and Soon-tae promises they have something in store for him. The impostor rises first as the voters begin to question the candidates and begins to accost and blame Chang-ho. It quickly becomes awkward because Chang-ho can’t react.

At this point, Mi-ho bursts into the room and informs everyone that she is not a candidate’s wife, but a victim of the NK Chemicals radioactive leak. Chang-ho and Gi-gwang are horrified by the shocking revelation, but Mi-ho continues to expose NK Chemicals’ unethical behavior in front of everyone. However, when they play the footage, everyone is absolutely stunned, and that’s undeniable proof.

Mi-ho reminds everyone that the police should investigate this incident and find out the truth as he leaves Do-ha with a very challenging question. After the discussion is over, Do-ha assures an exhausted Joo-hee that he will take care of everything, while a panicked Chang-ho rushes off to see his wife. Mi-ho and Chang-ho spend the remaining time they have after an emotional discussion about their illness at Chang-former ho’s law office.

The next day, Do-ha is summoned to the prosecutor’s office, where Joong-rak interrogates her. Ji-hoon and Chang-ho are both upset by Do-contined ha’s shyness. Chang-ho is aware that Joo-hee is the trap they should focus on. She claims that it is all Chairman Kang’s fault and that she should be punished, refusing to believe that her husband is to blame. However, Chang-ho has other ideas.

Now doubting, Joo-hee informs Do’s right-hand man in the car that Chang-ho would send Chairman Kang’s body for an autopsy. He then asks her if she knows what triggers her trap. When Joo-hee admits she did it, he makes a phone call right outside and agrees to take care of it. Joo-hee is devastated by the information.

But election day has come, and after eagerly awaiting the results, Do-ha narrowly prevails. Joo-hee doesn’t seem particularly excited about the possibility, and seems embarrassed about partying with her spouse. Things are really depressing in the Chang-house, but Mi-ho doesn’t let the bad tuning deter him.

Instead, she advises them to see the bright side of things, pointing out that they are still on trial. Do-ha will not be able to serve as mayor if discovered. Just then, Mi-ho receives a package and when she opens it, she discovers a burner phone inside. Joo-hee seems to have had enough of her husband’s lies since she sent the package. Despite this, she agrees to testify over the phone.

Everyone lets their emotions out that night as Chang-ho tucks his drunk wife into bed while they bemoan her terrible condition. Being around Mi-ho, who is such a loving presence to everyone, is a heartbreaking scene.

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Joo-hee isn’t present on the day of the do trial, so he can’t show that the burner phone is hers. Alternatively, someone else is blamed. Do-ha apparently knew about Joo-hee and probably did something to prevent her from entering the courtroom.

In the mental hospital, she was tied to a bed and Mi-young is currently abusing her.

This development allows Do-ha to avoid the charges entirely. It seems like Chang-ho keeps losing, and Do-sneer ha only makes things worse. Mi-ho loses consciousness after finding the excitement of the day too overwhelming. Mi-ho, who expressed her love for Chang-ho in the hospital, tragically dies while holding his hand.

Later, Chang-ho admits to Do-ha that he is Big Mouse and that the plunge pool he uses belongs to him. Chang-ho notes that Do’s admission removes the guilt he would have otherwise felt when he starts bragging about his power, and that he doesn’t mind using others as leverage to get what he wants he wants.

He’s ready to explain what he means to a clueless Do-ha when he suddenly starts coughing up blood. It turns out that the NK Chemicals pool water is actually the radiation-contaminated underground water. Chang-ho explains to him before leaving that although the law was created to protect people, Do-ha believed he was above the law.

We learn that Chang-ho was able to end the reign of terror once and for all when Do-ha sinks under the water and dies of radiation poisoning – Joo-hee was rescued from the psychiatric facility, they recovered money, and Jae-papers young’s and Joo-hee also testified at the hearing. Ji-hoon also got his business back, and a significant amount of money was donated to various orphanages and other organizations. Big Mouse won in every way.

However, Chang-ho simply remembers his wife’s advice to be a good big mouse and help those in need. And to meet his wife’s wishes, he has a lot to do.

Now that Big Mouth is over, it feels like a monumental thing is coming to a successful conclusion. But I have to admit, I was expecting the episode to end with Chang-ho and the team defeating Do-ha, rather than just showcasing his victories in the last five minutes and failing to really reveal how he did it discovered money or what happened in court .

I still thought it was an excellent episode, although Mi-death ho’s wasn’t necessary and didn’t advance the story in any way other than encouraging the male lead to reach his full potential.

Big Mouth provided thrills for eight weeks. But I’m not really going to complain. The behind-the-scenes photos show how nice everyone on the program is, and it was wonderful!

Watch the series on MBC and Disney+.