Crissie Carter, Wife of Leo Schofield, Missing??

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Unfortunately, there are still many unanswered questions about the case of Michelle Saum Schofield more than three decades after she lost her life on February 24, 1987. But for the past five or six years, the main question has been whether her husband Leo Schofield had actually killed her or if she was in prison as a result of someone else’s activities, as detailed in “20/20: Last Seen In Lakeland.” However, for now, if you just want to know more about someone who is dedicated to always fighting for his freedom – his second wife, Crissie Carter – we have the necessary information for you.

Crissie Carter, who is she?

Crissie, a former state probation officer, first met inmate Leo in 1991 while teaching at Hendry Correctional Institution. He was quickly fascinated by its story. He noted that he proclaimed his innocence to everyone he met, and she was no different, as she was one of his assistants as he taught inmates how to balance a checkbook and write resumes. The only unique feature is that Crissie went home to review all the accessible court documents by herself, initiating a personal relationship once she admitted that she believed him.

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They began to develop a close relationship over time, and in 1995—after Leo was transferred—they were happily married in the chapel at DeSoto Correctional Institution. Crissie is candid about her family’s response to her choice of life partner: “My family is supportive, but not entirely happy.” I have friends who are no longer in contact with me. Her unwavering faith in Leo’s innocence and love for her prevents her from letting any of this affect her, which is why she also begins to take legal action.

In fact, Crissie engaged a new defense attorney for her husband in 2004, and he quickly assisted her in her long-running efforts to properly investigate the previously undetectable fingerprints from Michelle’s car. Although the technology to do so was not available in 1987, in December of the same year, new information proved a match to convicted murderer Jeremy Scott (in an unrelated matter from 1988). To his wife’s dismay, Jeremy’s confession and recantation, as well as the seemingly critical piece of evidence, have nothing to do with Leo’s legal case, despite their continued efforts.

Now, where is Crissie Carter?

According to Crissie Carter Schofield, “Many people get interested [in Leo’s case] when they hear the narrative from me… Then Leo is introduced; he is different in some way. Not surprisingly, she remained her husband’s staunchest supporter, especially with the collaboration she established with groups like The Innocence Project in the hopes that they would one day succeed in getting her cleared of all charges.

It’s important to note that Crissie is adamant that Michelle is also the target of her efforts, as she feels Michelle deserves true justice. She strives not just for Leo or for a sense of validation. Leo’s exit is not where it ends, he said. “Michelle’s story is told here.” From what we can gather about Crissie’s personal situation, it appears that she is a Florida resident who proudly works as a clinical social worker. Crissie currently resides near Fort Myers.

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