Where are Gilberto Rodriguez and Cody Thompson now?|All Social Updates

Where are Gilberto Rodriguez and Cody Thompson now?

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Investigation Discovery’s “On the Case with Paula Zahn: Changing Stories” investigates the violent murder of a 14-year-old girl named Regina Krieger in February 1995 in Cassia County, Idaho testimonies of several witnesses, which finally led to the arrest of the perpetrator. We’re here if you’d like to know more about the case, including the identity of the perpetrator and his current whereabouts. Then let’s start, yes?

Regina Krieger dies

How did Regina Krieger die?

Regina Lee Krieger was conceived on March 3, 1980 in Cassia County, Idaho and delivered three days later at the same location to Rhonda Hunnel and Dan Krieger. Her mother and father raved about how sweet and bright their daughter was, saying she had no problem making new friends and had excelled in school. So it came as a big surprise to everyone when her father went looking for her at their home on Oriental Avenue in Burley and couldn’t find her. On February 28, 1995, he reported her missing to the Cassia County Sheriff’s Office. At this point it was only a few days until Regina’s 15th birthday.

When detectives arrived at Haus Krieger, they discovered blood not only on the bathroom floor, but also on the stairs leading up to the garden. From the trail of blood it was clear that someone or something had been dragged up the steps. They questioned Dan to determine that the last time he saw his daughter was just before she went to bed. After Regina was not seen for more than a month, police began to suspect that she was the victim of a crime and began an intensive search for her. On April 15, 1995, a group of horsemen discovered her badly decomposed body on the banks of the Snake River, not too far downstream of the Minidoka Dam. Her body was recovered in the Snake River.

Regina’s dental records, along with the expertise of a forensic dentist, were used by investigators to determine that the body belonged to Regina. The autopsy report said she had multiple fatal stab wounds on her body, but the most likely cause of death was an air embolism after the perpetrator slit her throat from ear to ear. Although the autopsy report stated that she had multiple fatal stab wounds on her body, the most likely cause of death was determined to be air embolism. The coroner also found a severe penetrating cut in Regina’s heart, but he or she concluded that it was made after Regina had already passed away.

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Who Killed Regina Krieger?

Detectives investigated a few possible suspects, but their investigation was dropped when they were not presented with any significant evidence or leads. The investigation was dropped over 24 years ago, but Regina’s mother, Rhonda, continued to search for her daughter’s kidnapper. She went as far as asking for FBI assistance and continued to work the case until the Cassia County Sheriff’s Office revealed in February 2019 that Gilberto Flores Rodriguez had been charged in connection with Regina’s death. It was reported at the time that the arrest followed testimony from three witnesses who had linked the then 56-year-old man to the brutal murder of the teenager.

The case against Gilberto went to trial in April 2019, and the identities of two of the witnesses were released to both the public and the jury before the trial began. The key witness was a convicted murderer named Cody Thompson, who testified that he was there on the February night of 1995 when Gilberto murdered Regina. The crime took place. Cody stated that he had been ill that particular evening and climbed over the wall onto the Kriegers’ property to defecate while waiting in a car in the alley for Gilberto to emerge from Regina’s house. Cody claimed he was waiting for Gilberto to come out of Regina’s house as he went over to defecate.

According to Cody, who was only 16 at the time, he watched Gilberto come out of the house bloodied and said he made a mistake before pulling the car in front of the house. He then reportedly went back inside and came out with a bloodied body covered with a blanket. Cody apparently helped place the body in the trunk of the vehicle. After the body was allegedly dumped in the Snake River near the Jackson Bridge, which once connected Cassia and Minidoka counties but is now out of service, the suspects reportedly drove from the crime scene to the residence of a person they were dating shared a mutual acquaintance to clean up and move.

Cody further claimed that he repeatedly asked Gilberto to take him somewhere, but Gilberto refused each time. The witness went on to say that after returning home to his flat in Rupert that night, despite having been there before, he continued to feel bad. He had a habit of wailing in his sleep. According to Cody, he learned the name of the deceased after seeing Regina’s missing persons flyer at a gas station and claiming he used to be her classmate at school. Cody stated that he learned the identity of the deceased when he saw the flyer. Another witness stated that she saw Gilberto and Cody arrive at a party covered in blood on the night of the murder, and also saw them bury the gun used in the murder in the box located on the the property.

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The third witness was Carlos Tena, who testified that he had known Gilberto, a distant relative of his, for the past 30 years while both worked for a Mexican cartel dealing in illegal drugs and firearms. Gilberto was the Witness’s distant relative. Carlos explained that Gilberto allegedly mentioned Regina to him on many occasions, lamenting how sad it was for Regina “to be disposed of like this” and how “the FBI is poking him again.” Gilberto allegedly told Carlos that “the FBI is investigating him again.”

Where is Gilberto Rodriguez today?

Gilberto’s defense attorney tried to discredit the Witnesses by drawing attention to their previous convictions and casting doubt on their credibility, but his efforts were unsuccessful. In June 2021, a jury found Gilberto guilty of first-degree murder and he was subsequently sentenced to life in prison. According to the documents made public, the man, now 60, is currently serving his sentence at Idaho State Correctional Institution Unit 11.

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Where is Cody Thompson today?

In Ada County, Idaho, Cody Thompson was already serving a life sentence for the crime of male rape, for which he was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. In Minidoka County, where he committed all of the crimes that led to his long list of previous convictions, he was found guilty of two counts of burglary, one each of grand larceny and witness intimidation, and several other counts. He said he bore the burden of the crime and lived in constant fear for his family’s safety for the past 24 years. During cross-examination by defense counsel, the defendant stated that although he was already serving a life sentence for the crime, he had no reason to lie and that he continued to compromise himself.

According to official documents filed with the court, the 44-year-old man is currently serving his sentence in a cell in B Block at the Idaho State Correctional Center in Boise, Idaho.

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