Where is Emanuela Orlandi’s brother Pietro Orlandi now?

Where is Emanuela Orlandi’s brother Pietro Orlandi now?

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“Vatican Girl: The Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi” on Netflix tells the story of how Emanuela’s disappearance on her way home from flute lesson on June 22, 1983 shocked Vatican City.

The show stated that Emanuela had asked her brother Pietro Orlandi to drop her off at music school before she went to class. Pietro was busy with other things, so he couldn’t do what his sister asked. Little did he know then that he would never see her again. We can tell you more about Pietro’s fight for the truth and where he is now if you’re interested.

Pietro Orlando

Who is Pietro Orlandi?

Pietro Orlandi and his four sisters, including Emanuela, grew up in Vatican City. According to reports, he grew up in a happy family. Pietro grew up in a close-knit family, and he and his family became very close. His siblings were also very close. The man who grew up in Vatican City still tells how much fun he had with his siblings and how Emanuela was always happy and full of life. He also remembers her as a kind 15-year-old girl who loved life and had no enemies. This made Emanuela’s sudden disappearance difficult to understand.

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Emmanuela and Pietro Orlando

Before going to her flute lesson on June 22, 1983, Emanuela went to Pietro and asked him to come with her. But Pietro was busy and couldn’t go with her, so the 15-year-old girl went to Tommaso Ludovico Da Victoria School alone. After school, the teen called her mother to tell her that someone from the cosmetics company Avon had spoken to her about getting a job. Emanuela seemed very happy with the job offer, but her mother asked her to go home so they could talk about it.

After that, no one heard from Emanuela since she disappeared shortly after and never returned home. Since Pietro was with his family at the time, he helped search for his sister Emanuela and went with his parents to the police station to report her missing. Later Pietro said he was sorry he hadn’t gone with Emanuela that day because he could have protected her. The Vatican police immediately began searching for Emanuela, checking all the places she might have gone.

The police even spoke to some of her friends and went door to door looking for witnesses. Still, there was no trace of the missing girl and the investigators were back where they started. Eventually a number of theories emerged and when the Pope spoke about Emanuela’s death, people thought the Vatican was hiding something. Meanwhile, a man who said he was American called Emanuela’s house and said he was the one who took her. The man turned out to be called Marco Accetti.

Marco asked that Mehmet Ali Agca, the person who tried to assassinate Pope John Paul II, be released. He said he had taken Emanuela and Mirella Gregori hostage to provoke the government into action. But Agca was against the kidnapping and over time Marco’s claim turned out to be untrue. On the other hand, there have been other theories, such as the one that says Enrico De Pedis kidnapped Emanuela and used her to get the Vatican banks to give him his money back.

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Sabrina Minardi, Enrico’s girlfriend at the time, said she gave Emanuela to a man who looked like a priest. Reports say investigative journalists found files showing how much the Vatican spent on Emanuela and appeared to show she was in a London monastery (the Vatican claimed these documents were fake). It was also said that Emanuela had been sexually assaulted days before the event, which could have something to do with why she went missing.

Where is Pietro Orlando right now?

Ercole Orlandi, Emanuela’s father, died in 2004. Pietro took over and was determined to find out what had happened to his sister. He has always helped the police and is always the first to find them when they have a good lead on a case. He also helped Emanuela’s boyfriend when she said the 15-year-old had been sexually assaulted days before she disappeared. In 2018, he was there when police found human remains in a Vatican building in Rome. The remains belonged to an old Roman man.

Pietro still lives in Vatican City and he is determined to find out what is going on. In 2012, he wrote a book called “Mi Sorella Emanuela” about his experience. Sequestro Orlandi: voglio tutta la verità’ Pietro spent his whole life trying to find out what happened to his sister. He is said to be married to Patrizia Marinucci and the proud father of three daughters.

Pietro also doesn’t want anyone else to endure the pain he and his family have suffered, so he now presents the Italian TV show ‘Scomparsi’, where he talks about other cases of missing people. Still, the show said Pietro still thinks the Vatican has something to hide about what happened to Emanuela.

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Private life

Ercole and Maria Orlandi (née Pezzano) had five children, and Emanuela was the fourth. Some sources say her father worked for the Vatican Bank, while others say he worked for the papal household. Pietro Orlandi, Emanuela’s older brother, said the family lived in Vatican City and the children roamed freely in the Vatican Gardens.

Orlandi was in her second year at a high school in Rome, a liceo scientific. Although the school year was over, she continued to take flute lessons three times a week at the Tommaso Ludovico Da Victoria School, which is part of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music. She also sang in the choir of Sant’Anna dei Palafrenieri, a church in the Vatican.

Pietro Orlando
Pietro Orlando


Orlandi usually took the bus to go to music school. After a few stops, she got off the bus and walked the last few hundred meters.

On June 22, 1983, Orlandi was late for class. She asked Pietro to take her to class, as it was a very hot day, but he already had plans. “I’ve thought about it so many times and told myself that maybe it wouldn’t have happened if I had been with her,” he said years later. Later that day, Emanuela called home to say she wasn’t home yet and explained why. She told one of her sisters that an Avon Cosmetics salesperson had offered her a job.

According to some news reports, Orlandi met with Avon’s representative just before her music lesson. At the end of the lesson, Orlandi told his girlfriend about the job offer. He then left her at a bus stop with another girl. It is said that the last time anyone saw Orlandi, he got into a large, dark-colored BMW.

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On Thursday, June 23 at 1:00 PM, Orlandi’s parents called the director of the music school to ask if any of their daughter’s classmates knew anything. Police said they had to wait because “the girl might be with friends.” That day it was officially said that she was missing. Over the next two days, the disappearance was written about in Il Tempo, Paese Sera and Il Messaggero, along with the telephone number of the Orlandi house.

At 8pm on Saturday, June 25, a 16-year-old boy named “Pierluigi” called and said he was calling from his phone. He said he and his fiancé had seen the missing girl in Piazza Navona that afternoon. The young man talked about Orlandi’s flute, her hair and the glasses she didn’t like to wear, including those that match the description of the missing girl. “Pierluigi” says Orlandi just got a haircut and said her name was “Barbarella”. He said she told him she had just moved out of the house and sold Avon products.

On June 28, a man who said his name was “Mario” called the family and said he owned a bar near Ponte Vittorio, between the Vatican and the music school. The man said a new client named “Barbara” had told him that she was running away from home, but that she was going back for her sister’s wedding. On June 30, there were posters all over Rome with Orlandi’s photo on them.

On July 3, during the Angelus, Pope John Paul II appealed to the people responsible for Orlandi’s disappearance. This was the first time the idea that he had been kidnapped was made official. Two days later, the Orlandi family got the first call from someone they didn’t know. Emanuela was believed to have been held hostage by a terrorist group that wanted Mehmet Ali Aca, the Turkish man who shot the Pope in May 1981, to be released. Nothing else was said. In the days that followed, more calls came in, including one from a man called “The American” because of his accent. He played a recording of Orlandi’s voice over the phone. A few hours later, the same man called the Vatican again and told Orlandi and Aca to switch places. The unknown caller mentioned “Mario” and “Pierluigi” from previous calls and said they were “members of the organization”.

On July 6, a man with a young voice and an American accent told ANSA news agency that an exchange between Orlandi and Aca was needed. He asked the pope to participate within 20 days and said evidence that Orlandi was in his hands would be in a basket in the public square near parliament. These would be copies of her music school ID card, a receipt and a note written by the girl who was taken.

On July 8, a man who sounded like he was from the Middle East called one of Orlandi’s classmates and said he had Orlandi and they had 20 days to trade him for Aca. The man also asked for a direct telephone line with Agostino Casaroli, Secretary of State at the time. The line was put into service on July 18. “The American” made a total of 16 calls from various public payphones.

On May 14, 2001, the pastor of Gregory VII Church near the Vatican found a small human skull without a jaw in a confessional. It was in a bag with a picture of Padre Pio. While it has not been proven to be Orlandi’s skull, the fact that it was found made people think it could be.

Ercole, Emanuela’s father, died in 2004, a month after his last interview.

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