PA Senate Candidate Dave McCormick – Otosection

#Senate #Candidate #Dave #McCormick #Otosection

We’ve got Pennsylvania Senate candidate David McCormick. He knows what it’s like to be in the middle of a heated campaign. But David, I understand you were there. What more can you tell us from your vantage point? And did you know that someone else was potentially injured? yes surgery Yes, I was. I’m still in I’m still in the assembly. It’s, it’s all very chaotic. But I was in the front row and I and President Trump announced me and advised me to come up and invited me to come on stage. And then he says, no, he’ll ask her to come in a minute or two. And then there were several shots and the crowd just kind of, you know, went to the ground and the Secret Service came and, you know, tackled the president very quickly. But there were seven or eight shots and it was not, it is difficult to say whether they came from one direction or from two different weapons. It was not clear. At least I couldn’t tell. And, and then sadly, there was someone behind me in the bleachers, obviously hurt and there was a lot of blood. And, you know, the police came and, and, and helped get that person out of the stands so they could get the care they needed. I am not sure if others were injured. It was all, as you can imagine, very chaotic, but it was a very scary moment, obviously, because our president and innocent bystanders were under siege. yes Sir, can you tell how many people gathered there today? It looked like quite the turn out. And also, can you just walk us through what you saw from your perspective, whether it came from your left or your right, or where it was in relation to where you were standing? yes I, I don’t, you know, I, it was a huge crowd. What? I asked several law enforcement officers and they said something like 15,000. So I, I don’t know if that’s an official number, but it was definitely huge. And it just kept coming and coming. It was built up throughout the day. You know, it was, it’s hard to say, but at least some of the shots, I was sitting to the right of President Trump as he was facing the crowd and I was in the front row. Some of the shots seemed to come from his left side, which would make sense because someone hit me behind. So it seemed at least some came from that side of the crowd. And and I, like I said, I couldn’t tell if it was one gun or two, but there were seven or eight shots, exactly one, right, one after the other. Well, and Dave, I mean, you’re an Iraq War vet. You volunteered to serve us in uniform, just like these law enforcement officers out there today. So it is beyond doubt to you that these were gunshots. It was a firearm. yes It, it, it, it, it, it certainly seemed. You know, it was, it, it, you know, I’m not, I’m no expert on this, but it, it felt, it sounded like a small caliber weapon. Initially I thought it might be fireworks or something. But then the continuation of the shots, I think it was a weapon, a firearm clearly. And like I said, I couldn’t tell if it was one or two, but, but, but obviously it was to my advantage, someone was there. It seemed like an attack directed at the president and, you know, a very scary moment. Sir, can you tell me again about the person you saw hurt or injured, male or female? And did you notice what conditions they were in? You know, it was hard. It was hard to tell several people sitting around this person. It looked like a man. It was a big person, with many people sitting around it. It started to administer first aid and found that he was, you know, shirts wrapped around and they tried to stop the bleeding. And then some police officers came and took him out of the stand. And all that took a few minutes. So I was focusing on it because it was behind me. I couldn’t tell if anyone else was hurt. Of course it was a huge crowd. And the way it was set up, the president was on a stage, but behind him was the crowd. And he was, he was, you know, 360 around him. So once the shot happened, it was, you know, it was done, it wasn’t panic. People didn’t panic, but it was very chaotic. And everyone went down to the ground. Everyone was lying on the ground because we were not sure if the shooting had happened. So I’m going to ask you a question, answer as you like. Is Donald Trump lucky to be alive right now? I think so, yes, absolutely. I think so. I mean, you know, again, things will come out. And I’m always careful when you’re in a crisis, you don’t want to jump to too many conclusions. But it seemed to me that he was very lucky to be alive. And I, I, I hope the others who were injured survive. It was, it was a very scary moment, sir. Thanks for the time. David McCormick is a Republican. He is running for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania. And today he was on the front line for that event. Sir thank you again for your eyewitness account.

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