From John Bolton to Salman Rushdie, Iran’s all-out attacks on Americans and their leaders|All Social Updates

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THE CONspiracy Against the United States: From John Bolton to Salman Rushdie, Iran’s All-Out Attacks on Americans and Their Leaders
CHAUTAUQUA, NEW YORK: A 24-year-old New Jersey man named Hadi Matar allegedly stabbed controversial author Salman Rushdie up to 15 times on Friday, August 12 while he was speaking at an event in New York. An investigation is currently underway into the attack that took place during the event. While the reason for the strike is not yet known, it undeniably drew attention to Iran’s ongoing intrigues against the United States. Since the 1980s, Salman Rushdie has faced constant threats of execution from Iran. His 1988 novel The Satanic Verses was considered blasphemous by many Muslims around the world.

After some time, the author’s works were declared illegal in several Islamic countries, and Ayatollah Khomeini also issued a fatwa against him. According to the Daily Mail, the number of attacks against the United States appears to have increased. Most recently, it was alleged that former National Security Advisor John Bolton was the intended target of an assassination attempt. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was reportedly another target of Iranian harassment. After an American drone strike killed an Iranian general named Qassem Soleimani two years ago, the two men, along with Donald Trump, received earlier death threats from Tehran.

Salman Rushdie


Author Salman Rushdie has had nerves severed in his arms, he could lose an eye and is on a ventilator after suffering liver damage in the attack.

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A number of authors, including JK Rowling and Stephen King, have spoken out against the “TERRIBLE” attack on Salman Rushdie.

On October 12, 2017, author Salman Rushdie was seen sitting on the Blue Sofa (aka The Underhand Plan to Take Down John Bolton) at the Frankfurt Book Fair in Frankfurt, Germany

As the Daily Mail (IRGC) reports, a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is said to have hatched a plot to assassinate John Bolton. Prosecutors revealed that Shahram Poursafi had offered unnamed “criminal organizations” in the United States $300,000 to carry out the assassination. It appears to have been an act of retaliation against the United States for the assassination of Top Guard Commander Soleimani in Iraq in January 2020.

According to comments by Bolton in an interview with CNN, the alleged conspiracy sheds light on Iran’s stance on international affairs. “It’s crucial to understand how meticulous the work was to send me to the great afterlife,” he said, adding, “I think it’s pretty obvious that Iran is pursuing more than just former government officials.”

On the other hand, Iran has refuted all claims made against Poursafi. According to Nasser Kanani, a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry, the US Department of Justice “made allegations without producing legitimate evidence, creating a new fiction.” He continued by saying: “This time they have devised a conspiracy involving individuals like Bolton whose political career has failed,” and then he concluded by saying: “The Islamic Republic warns against any action that threatening Iranian civilians by resorting to false claims.”

John Bolton, the United States National Security Advisor, was present in the Oval Office during the signing of House Resolution 390, often known as the American Health Care Act.

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One focus is on Mike Pompeo.

The Justice Department reportedly stated that Poursafi plans to pay $1 million for a second job, The Daily Mail reported. According to Morgan Ortagus, who previously worked as State Department spokesman, the second target was reportedly former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. In June, after an American drone strike that killed Soleimani, the National Counter Terrorism Center concluded that Pompeo was one of its “priority targets.”

It has been claimed that an intelligence report obtained by Yahoo! The news was circulated both within government and to law enforcement agencies across the country. According to the article, some of the “prime targets for revenge” are former President Donald Trump, former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, and former CENTCOM commander General Kenneth McKenzie.

In January, Iran’s leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, circulated an animated film that appeared to show a robot ordering a drone attack on President Trump while the president was playing golf at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. A contest was held to commemorate the death of Soleimani two years ago and one of the entries required to enter was a video titled Revenge is Inevitable. In another incident, an Iranian spy named Khalid Mehdiyev was charged with threatening Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-American journalist and human rights activist. It was stated that he was carrying an AK-47 while roaming the journalist’s home in Brooklyn. Alinejad has repeatedly expressed his disapproval of Iran’s rules that require women to cover their heads.

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks to members of the press in the State Department briefing room on November 26, 2019 in Washington, District of Columbia. Minister Pompeo addressed a variety of issues in his speech, including Iran, Cuba and the recent demonstrations in Hong Kong.