Proof Joe Goldberg Is Back on His Bulls–t in You Season 4

In November, Cardi B received a letter from Joe Goldberg.

“Hello, You…My stalking and killing may make me a certified freak, seven days a week, but it also brought me to…you,” it began, borrowing a lyric from Cardi B’s song “WAP.” “Cardi B, you have a way with social media. You’re meaningful. Substantive. I just like you. You’re authentic and nuanced…just as you are with your music. You keep me on my toes, the ones that are left, at least. You can’t be caged in, and it’s refreshing.”

The letter was the culmination of a social media lovefest between Cardi and the real-life Penn Badgley.

Cardi is such a fan of both Penn’s and the show’s that she pitched an idea for season four.

“So it’s episode 1 and I’m at Paris Fashion week shutting it down! I turn around and there stands YOU. Ok finish it off @netflix,” she tweeted.

Sadly, despite Penn Badgley telling Entertainment Tonight they were “trying to make something happen,” it didn’t come together. Maybe in season 5?

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