The American Ninja Warrior preview will have you waiting for more

The American Ninja Warrior preview will have you waiting for more

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We TAKE A NEW America Ninja Warrior Course…AND FAIL! (Exclusive)

No matter how much athletic experience you have, nothing can prepare you for American Ninja Warrior stage.

Making his way to the third round of the NBC series competition, Competitor Josh LevinSkills are put to the test in this extremely exclusive review American Ninja Warrior The national final will be held on August 29.

Unlike other courses, there’s no time limit for the third stage, so Levine takes it slow, starting with the Patriot Pass obstacle, which requires you to grab different lengths of rope (not to mention they’re also moving).

Levine’s athletic background as a competitive rock climber not only lends itself to the competition, but his engineering degree from MIT gives him an added advantage when it comes to planning his moves on the course, as the co-host noted Matt Eiseman.

After some trouble with the stalactites, Levine quickly regroups and makes his way through the “Chop It Up” obstacle despite a few bumps.

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