Where are the police officers now?

Where are the police officers now?

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Joseph Gabrish and John Balcerzak: Where Are the Police Officers Now?

In the show “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story”, available on Netflix, the audience is taken by Jeffrey Dahmer’s murderous frenzy. However, the show also tells that the serial killer could have been caught much earlier if the authorities had been a little more vigilant. Glenda Cleveland, Jeffrey’s neighbor, called the police late one night in May 1991 and reported that a young boy in his early teens had walked out of the serial killer’s apartment while appearing to be under the influence of drugs. Jeffrey’s apartment was the location of the conversation.

Despite her concerns, however, Agents Joseph Gabrish and John Balcerzak claimed they had not observed any inappropriate behavior.

Joseph Gabriel
Joseph Gabriel

Who are Joseph Gabrish and John Balcerzak?

On May 27, 1991, Joseph Gabrish and John Balcerzak were working as police officers for the Milwaukee Police Department when they received a normal report about a teenager who was found to be without a guardian. The call was about the young person’s situation. When Joseph and John arrived on the scene, they found that Glenda Cleveland, along with Sandra Smith, Tina Spivey, and Nicole Childress, surrounded a naked and bleeding person who was sitting motionless on the stairs outside the apartment. The victim was Glenda Cleveland. Coincidentally, Sandra, Tina and Nicole were the ones who first saw the Lao youth and alerted the authorities to his existence.

When Joseph and John started asking around, they discovered that the person, who had not yet revealed his name, was seen leaving Jeffrey Dahmer’s flat while in a delirious state. This information was discovered after Joseph and John began their investigation. In addition, it appeared as if he had been drugged because he was unable to respond to the police officers and the women surrounding him. Glenda Cleveland, who lives next door to Jeffrey, stated that the person appeared to be in his early teens and needed help. She kept begging the officers to rescue him and return him to his home by taking him to a safe location.

However, it was then that Jeffrey Dahmer arrived on the scene and claimed that the person in question was his lover who was 19 years old. Dahmer was present at the time of the alleged crime. Jeffrey claims the two got into an argument before Jeffrey’s alleged lover asked him to go get some booze from the store. This story was strenuously denied by Glenda and the other women present at the incident, and they continued to beg the officers to take the boy somewhere safe. However, Joseph and John reported seeing nothing out of the ordinary, and as a result, they allowed Jeffrey to accompany him to his flat.

It was later revealed that the person in question was Konerak Sinthasomphone, who was only 14 years old when he died later that evening. After Jeffrey drilled a hole in the victim’s head and poured hydrochloric acid into it, the victim woke up and made an attempt to flee the scene. Jeffrey was arrested for the crime. Once the cops allowed Jeffrey to take Konerak back to the condo, the serial killer made an attempt to infuse more hydrochloric acid, ultimately resulting in Konerak’s death. However, a New York Times report said that after being arrested, Jeffrey claimed he strangled the teen as soon as police left the scene.

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John Balcerzak’s bio

John A. Balcerzak is a former Milwaukee, Wisconsin police officer who was born on April 15, 1957. He was president of the Milwaukee Police Association (the police union that represents Milwaukee’s officers) from 2005 to 2009 and was born on April 15. , 1957. In 1991, Balcerzak and Joseph T. Gabrish came to the attention of people across the country after being fired from their jobs for giving a youth harmed to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer despite witness protests. The police officers appealed their dismissal, and as a result, Judge Robert J. Parins decided to reinstate them and award them back wages of $55,000 each. In 2017, Balcerzak reached retirement age with the Milwaukee Police Department.

Who Was Jeffrey Dahmer’s Victim?

The victim, 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone, was found by three women, Sandra Smith, Tina Spivey and Nicole Childress, after he managed to escape from Jeffrey Dahmer’s apartment, naked, bruised, bleeding from the buttocks and heavily covered. influence of drugs. Dahmer had been holding Konerak Sinthasomphone captive for several days.

After a call to 9-1-1, Childress received assistance from Balcerzak, Joseph T. Gabrish and Richard Porubcan, in addition to a fire brigade ambulance.

Members of the EMS believed that Sinthasomphone needed medical attention; nevertheless, they were told by the officers to leave the scene.

Despite the fact that the Laotian immigrant had been in the country for ten years and spoke good English, he was unable to express his condition to authorities or to the three women because he was under the influence of drugs and had suffered a brain injury.

Despite the objections of the three female victims, Dahmer convinced authorities that the boy was actually his 19-year-old girlfriend.

Smith recognized the boy from the neighborhood and the three women reiterated their concern; however, the officers, convinced that the incident was a domestic dispute, told them to shut up. Smith recognized the boy from the neighborhood, and the three women repeated their concerns.

The officers took Sinthasomphone back to Dahmer’s flat where they kept him.

Balcerzak stated that he did not notice any strange smells, but Gabrish stated that he did find a foul smell, most likely from the body of Tony Anthony Hughes, who had been murdered by Dahmer three days earlier.

The officers registered the event as a “home quarrel involving homosexuals”, but they took no other action in response to the incident.

Within an hour of their departure, Dahmer would kill Sinthasomphone, perform oral sex on his body, and then dismember him. This would all take place in the same room.

Dahmer was found guilty of murdering Sinthasomphone and 16 other people between 1978 and 1991 and was sentenced in 1992 to 15 consecutive prison terms without the possibility of parole. In 1994, a fellow inmate named Christopher Scarver, who had also been convicted of murder, beat Dahmer to death.

An audio tape of Balcerzak and Gabrish slamming homophobic insults at their coordinator and making fun of their rejoining the “loved ones” sparked backlash after Dahmer’s arrest, and it was released online for the public to notice. could hear. They were terminated and Porubcan was given a year’s probation at his workplace. Because the officers did not investigate Dahmer’s identity, they did not know that he was a sex offender and had been convicted of child abuse in 1988. The victim in that case was Sinthasomphone’s older brother, who was 13 years old at the time of the incident. After some time passed, the City of Milwaukee paid $850,000 to the boy’s family to settle a lawsuit regarding how police had handled the matter.

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Both officers have appealed their dismissal. In June 1994, after a ruling in favor of the officers by Judge Robert J. Parins, they were given their jobs back.

John Balcerzak in an official Union capacity

In May 2005, Balcerzak defeated Sebastian Raclaw and won the presidency of the Milwaukee Police Association. The final vote was 521 to 453, with Balcerzak winning. As president, he was criticized for failing to protect officers from mandatory overtime and for failing to support African-American officer Alfonzo Glover, who was charged with manslaughter on May 30, 2006 and committed suicide later the same day. Both things happened on the same day. A disagreement with Balcerzak’s “leadership style” led to the resignation of the union vice president in June 2006. Revocation elections were held in August 2006 after a petition was filed seeking to remove Balcerzak from office. The final result was 213 votes to recall him, and 397 votes to keep him. Balcerzak was not re-elected to his trustee position in an October 9, 2009 election and he resigned from his role as president on December 31, 2009.

John BalcerzakJohn Balcerzak
John Balcerzak

Where are Joseph Gabrish and John Balcerzak now?

When authorities finally had enough evidence to arrest and charge Jeffrey Dahmer, the police chief, Philip Arreola, tried to limit the damage somewhat by suspending Joseph Gabrish and John Balcerzak while an investigation into their actions was conducted. This was done after police found sufficient evidence to arrest and charge Dahmer. By the way, John was a witness in the case against Jeffrey Dahmer and contributed to his prison sentence. Ultimately, the officers were found guilty of gross negligence and contested the charge of not knowing the police’s obligations. This resulted in their resignation from the police in the year 1991.

The decision to fire Joseph and John was upheld by the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission in 1992, despite Joseph and John voicing their objection to the decision. However, in 1994, a judge made the final decision to order Joseph and John to be reinstated with approximately $55,000 each in back wages. After their reassignment, Joseph and John enjoyed long careers in law enforcement. John Balcerzak chose to remain in Milwaukee, where he was ultimately successful in his bid for the Milwaukee Police Association presidency in 2005.

John held the position until 2009, after which he decided to resign and pursue a successful career as a senior law enforcement officer. According to the sources, John retired in 2017 and appears to live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On the other hand, Joseph started his career in the police force in 1993 when he joined the Grafton Police Force. Twenty-six years later, in 2016, he was promoted to the rank of captain. In addition, many sources claim that Joseph was chief of police in Trenton, Wisconsin, and that he is still active in law enforcement.