Where is Seth Jedlicka Now?

#Seth #Jedlicka
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In November 2009, a home invasion in Chesapeake City, Maryland, led to the death of a woman in the early morning hours. Terri McCoy was at home with her parents and her boyfriend when four teenagers broke in to rob them. He was in the middle of an attack, and was immediately shot by one of the invaders. The Investigation Discovery show “Murder Comes to Town: The Dangers of Success” goes into great detail about the case, showing viewers exactly what happened in the early hours of that fateful day that changed the family McCoy. If you are interested in the case and want to know who did it and where they are now, we can help. Let’s just get started. How Did Terri McCoy Die? At 1 am on November 4, 2009, four youths with guns and masks entered the McCoy family home at 3700 Augustine Herman Highway while they were sleeping. Terry McCoy, 63, woke up to the noise. At first, she thought her daughter, Terri Ann McCoy, might have collapsed because her blood sugar was too low. But when he saw the masked boys with guns, he knew immediately that someone had broken into their home. He tried to keep the door closed to his bedroom, which he shared with his wife, Geraldine McCoy. But the intruders beat him, and one of them shoots Terry in the eye, wounding him permanently. Three strangers rush in, and one of them holds a gun to the head of a frightened and trembling Geraldine. Terry is led into the living room by two other thieves, who are looking for money and jewelry. All this noise woke up the couple’s 40-year-old daughter, Terri Ann McCoy. He went down to find out what was going on that night. The fourth intruder was guarding the kitchen door, and he shot Terri five times when she was on the second floor landing. The thieves forced Terry to open the safes and then made him lie on his back. Terry was lying on the ground when he heard gunshots. He had no idea that it was his own son who had been shot. The thieves broke into the safe, stole $500,000 worth of jewelry, and then fled. As the intruders fled, Tara McCoy, 33, who had been with Terri for 10 years, ran to her aid. People say Terry rushed to his son’s side and heard him say, “I’m dying.” Terri was shot multiple times, so the police were called and emergency workers rushed her to Christiana Hospital in Delaware, where she was pronounced dead. Who killed Terri McCoy? Three of the people who got in were wearing ski masks, but Seth Dallas Jedlicka, who was 16 at the time and the youngest in the group, was wearing only war paint. This was the chance Geraldine took as she carefully looked at Seth’s face, trying to remember every detail even as a dangerous home invasion was taking place. According to court records, he promised to remember the face so it helped police create a composite drawing of Seth that was found. With this information and the fact that the burglars sold $30,000 worth of jewelry to a jeweler in Philadelphia, police have four possible suspects in the home invasion. One of them was Seth from Middletown. In February 2010, the police went to Seth’s house and found that he was not there. His family told police they did not know where he was. On March 15, 2010, Seth and another of the four suspects were captured by police in Miami, Florida. Six witnesses are said to have named Seth as a participant, and he is said to have incriminated himself on March 24, 2010, while speaking on a jail phone that was recorded. With all this evidence and with the help of one of the thieves who took a plea deal, Seth was found guilty of murdering Terri and robbing her house. Where is Seth Jedlicka at this hour? During the trial, Seth’s family said that he was the most violent person and that he always cursed, even when the victim was lying down after being shot several times. He took the jewelry out of the safe room with a “ferocious smile.” VanCulin, the couple’s other daughter, said Seth made her father walk around the house in his underwear to make him feel insignificant. The State has not said Seth was the shooter, but they want him convicted of felony murder. The court said his flight to Florida showed “a consciousness of his own guilt,” and he was found guilty of theft over $100,000, armed robbery, first-degree robbery, use of a handgun in the commission of a felony, first-degree assault, first-degree felony murder, and conspiracy to commit capital crimes. Seth was given a life sentence for first-degree murder by visiting judge Christian M. Kahl, but all but 60 years of that sentence were suspended. The court gave Seth another 60 years in prison for the other charges, which will run concurrently with his sentence for murder. According to court records, he is being held at the North Branch Correctional Institution in Cumberland, where he must serve at least 30 years before his release. Seth asked for a shorter sentence on August 29, 2017, but his request was denied.

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