Who is Shalomyah Bowers, leader of the BLM? Alleged $10 million organizational theft

Who is Shalomyah Bowers, leader of the BLM? Alleged $10 million organizational theft

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Today, an infinite number of agonistic escapades are spreading their footing on social networking platforms, and controversial bits of content become the hot potato almost every time. Especially in cases where a prominent figure has been exposed as a con man who has stolen or occupied huge sums of money. Shalomyah Bowers, the leader of the Black Lives Matter movement, is accused of stealing more than $10 million from the organization. This scandal is reminiscent of a previous scandal that made headlines. Once the organizers became aware of the exploit, they took legal action against him by filing a lawsuit and legal proceedings are currently pending against him. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find everything you need to know, including some secrets.

On Thursday, September 1, 2022, organizers are said to have filed a lawsuit against Shalomyah Bowers, accusing him of using the organization as a “personal piggy bank.” This information would have been obtained from authoritative publications or sources. Even the people who accused him have admitted that they don’t know if this is the first time he has committed the exploit or if he has stolen the money in the past as well. As a result, legal action is currently being taken against him to ensure that everything can be seen as clearly as it appears in the mirror. Because he abused his position to steal the money, he will spend a significant amount of time in jail from this point on.

Shalomya Bowers
Shalomya Bowers

What kind of actions has Shalomyah Bowers taken?

In the course of the investigation, it was discovered that a rather surprising fact that had blown countless brains, as well as the fact that the leader of “BLMGR” has been filling his own pockets with a monthly stipend of $10,000 instead of helping those who urgently need help. need. Because the aim of their campaign is to help people who have been negatively affected by the circumstances and who are currently making an effort to overcome all these obstacles, but he did it without wearing them, which is inappropriate enough, and once he determines that he guilty, no one will be able to save him from the severe punishment that will be inflicted on him.

As soon as the news started to spread on social networking sites, countless numbers of people immediately started expressing their outrage and requesting the authorities to take serious steps against him. They did this in the hope that no one else would ever consider committing the crime again. Because being caught taking money from a campaign and hiding in the shed an alleged post is already a serious crime. Therefore, countless numbers of people are advocating that the perpetrator serve a long prison term so that he could learn the lesson of betraying others. Stay tuned for more information and we’ll keep you updated as new information becomes available.

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The national head of the Black Lives Matter group is alleged to be responsible for the theft of more than $10 million from the charities.

In a lawsuit filed Thursday, Black Lives Matter Grassroots, a nonprofit that represents local BLM branches across the country, accused the BLM Global Network Foundation and Shalomyah Bowers, the foundation’s board secretary, of fraudulently diverting more than $10 million in “fees”. ‘ to Bowers’ consulting firm. The case, which was brought before the Los Angeles Superior Court, alleges that Bowers acted as a “rogue” and “middleman turned usurper” while treating the BLM Global Network Foundation as his “personal piggy bank”.

The BLM Global Network Foundation is the organization that received more than $90 million after the murder of George Floyd by police officers in the summer of 2020. This foundation is the national representative of the BLM movement. Bowers is a close colleague of Patrisse Cullors, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement. Cullors resigned from her position as Executive Director of the BLM Global Network Foundation in May 2021 due to attention to her personal real estate transactions.


The complaint was revealed Thursday during a press conference led by Melina Abdullah, co-founder of BLM-Los Angeles. Abdullah accused Bowers of excluding her and other leaders from their social media accounts in March.

According to Abdullah’s calculations, the financial accounts of the BLM Global Network Foundation contain about one hundred million dollars. She made the charge that the board of directors “engaged in self-trade, taking advantage of the backs of individuals who put their blood, sweat and tears into this movement.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, the lawsuit accuses Bowers of leading the foundation “in multiple investigations by the Internal Revenue Service and several attorneys generals, causing BLM to wreak havoc on a path of irreparable harm in less than eighteen months.” Bowers is accused of leading the foundation “in multiple investigations by the Internal Revenue Service and various attorney generals.”

The investigations cited in the lawsuit are a direct result of the Washington Examiner’s investigation earlier this year, which revealed the alarming lack of financial disclosure. The notification led to the filing of the lawsuit.

According to previous comments by CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron to the Washington Examiner in January, the BLM Global Network Foundation is “like a giant ghost ship full of gold drifting in the night with no captain, no discernible crew, and no clear direction. ”


Shalomya BowersShalomya Bowers
Shalomya Bowers

The lawsuit further alleges that the BLM Global Network Foundation has recently been denied access to funds held in its account by the Tides Foundation. In the second half of 2020, the Tides Foundation was the charity’s fiscal sponsor. In late 2021, the BLM Global Network Foundation claimed that Tides controlled more than $26 million in BLM funds. This information was released earlier this year.

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According to the lawsuit, Bowers sent an email to Tides on May 4 demanding that the company transfer all funds to the BLM Global Network Foundation. But on June 29, Tides informed the BLM Global Network Foundation that it would pause future distributions from the fund for failure to file tax filings on time, as well as questions about the purchase of a Los Angeles mansion for $6 million in October 2020 using donor funds. . This was done in response to the charity’s purchase of a $6 million mansion in Los Angeles in October 2020 using donor funds.

The Washington Examiner has made many requests to Tides regarding the status of his connection to the BLM Global Network Foundation, but Tides has not responded to any of those questions.

They would rather take the same steps as our white oppressors and use the criminal justice system backed by white supremacy (the same system they say they want to dismantle) to resolve movement disputes, Bowers and the BLM Global Network Foundation said in a statement. statement to the Los Angeles Times. Bowers and the BLM Global Network Foundation denied all claims of financial misconduct.

The allegations are “defamatory and devoid of reality,” according to an additional statement published on the homepage of the website blacklivesmatter.com.

The BLM Global Network Foundation has three board members and Bowers is one of those board members.

Prior to being hired in 2020 to work at the BLM Global Network Foundation as a fundraiser, Bowers and Cullors were business partners and collaborated on a number of projects. He held the position of treasurer for a number of groups led by Cullors, including BLM PAC and Reform LA Jails.

According to a previous Washington Examiner article, two additional members of the BLM Global Network Foundation’s board of directors, Cicley Gay and D’Zhane Parker, also have close ties to Cullors. In the month of April, Gay and Parker joined the board of the BLM Global Network Foundation.

According to campaign reports, Gay’s company, the Amplifiers, paid a total of $53,000 in 2019 from Reform LA Jails for advisory services.

According to the papers, Parker made a total of $20,500 in 2019 for his role as the lead organizer of Reform LA Jails.

After Cullors resigned as leader of the BLM Global Network Foundation in May 2021, the organization was left without a leader at a time when it was under investigation for its personal real estate purchases, specifically a $6 million property in Los Angeles.

Earlier this year, she stated that she is annoyed when she hears the term “IRS Form 990.” This is the record that nonprofits must submit to the public each year to disclose their financial activities.