Who Was She? A 37-year-old pregnant woman was tragically caught in no-man land |All Social Updates

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Annie Moylan: Who Was She? A 37-year-old pregnant woman was tragically caught in no-man land 

Annie Moylan, who was pregnant, died five years ago because of what the hospital did wrong. From the start, she was given the wrong diagnosis, and she died at the age of 37.

On 60 Minutes, Christine Ahern will look into a private Melbourne hospital and tell the sad story of Annie Moylan.

Annie Moylan

Annie Moylan Died Aged 37 After Fever & Misdiagnosis

Annie Moylan died on August 15, 2017, because the hospital didn’t do its job well.

The Australian woman got a fever, so she went to the emergency room at the Holmesglen hospital to get help.

She went to a new hospital because, like many people, she thought she would get the best care there. But because of a string of terrible mistakes and setbacks, she ended up dying.

Annie had shivers, sweating, and a high fever before she went to the emergency room in Holmesglen. She had diarrhoea, was throwing up, and was breathing faster.

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Annie had gastroenteritis, which the doctor found when he checked her out, but he didn’t give her any medicine. It was the first mistake in how she was being treated. Second, Holmesglen’s doctor told her to give her morphine to make her pain go away. After that, she was moved to St. Vincent’s Private Hospital.

The Age says that Holmesglen told Moylan’s blood sample to be taken to the wrong pathology lab in Wantirna. The model showed that she had an acute blood infection called sepsis.

Since the ESKY test result didn’t come back until 24 hours after Moylan first went to the hospital, her life support was turned off. If antibiotics had been given early, it’s likely that she and the baby would still be alive today.

Annie Moylan’s second child was 18 weeks along

Moylan was about 4.5 months along in her second pregnancy. Because of bad care at the hospital, she died and her child died as well.

The Age says that the bad hospital cared more about keeping its profits than being honest about its mistakes. It made Moylan’s parents think of mountains of paper. At first, they didn’t know what had killed their daughter.

The hospital tried to make Moylan’s parents feel better by telling them that they had done everything they could to save her. In the meantime, Annie’s parents believed them and even praised the doctors at her funeral.

Molyn’s parents decided to look into her death again because they didn’t know what happened. After they found a number of mistakes in the system, they had no choice but to expose the Melbourne hospital.

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Moylan’s dad says, “Regulation only seems to happen at registration and accreditation. There doesn’t seem to be much in between.” It’s a big risk to the safety of patients.” He also said, “There’s a cover-up.” It has been hard for us to get information.

In the same way, Annie’s mom says, “We know important information has been kept from us.”

Annie Moylan: Who Is She?

Annie Moylan was the daughter of Marg and Brian Moylan. She was also known as Antoinette Moylan. She grew up in a family with a history in medicine.

Her father, Brian, was a general practitioner for more than 40 years, and her mother worked as a nurse before she retired.

Annie’s family is in the medical field, but she chooses to go in a different direction. She worked as a lawyer and had a 14-month-old son.